Here & There — a horizonless projection in Manhattan Here & There is a project by S&W exploring speculative projections of dense cities. These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th. They're intended to be seen at those same places, putting the viewer simultaneously above the city and in it where she stands, both looking down and looking forward. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith 3dmanhattanmapnycperspective
My Liner Notes for Spore - Chris Hecker's Website This page is intended to be a sort of liner notes for my contributions to Spore. It's a place for me to write up miscellaneous development comments about the parts of the game I worked on, while they're still fresh in my mind. I think the game had over 80 people working on it towards the end, and it was in development for more than 5 years, so basically everything in the game was touched by more than one person and was a team effort By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith 3dchriscreaturesdeveloperdevelopmentgameheckerlinermathsmetaballsnotesspore
Liv Ducci Group Liv Ducci is a group of four creative studios which work independently but are in a friendly association. Each of the studios is strong in different spheres of design and creative work. Thanks to this we do not compete and in case of complex projects enjoy cooperation. By rrhobbsin Public bookmarkswith 3danimationarchitecturedesignflashphotography