- 4096 Color Wheel Version 2.1
Hover over the wheel to view colors. Click to choose a web-smart color. Reload to clear.
in Public bookmarks with color css design html programming webdesign by 14 users
- Real-time HTML Editor
<h3>Welcome to the real-time HTML editor!</h3> <p>Type HTML in the textarea above, and it will magically appear in the frame below.</p> <br><br> Try this. It's pretty cool :)
in CMS with editor html by 9 users
- Sitemap creator (exporting folder structure to a html file) for Windows (freeware)
This application simply reads the given directory and it's subdirectories, and produces .htm file basing on a given template. The result file can be used to print out the contents of the folder, or as a sitemap of your website. Note: this program can't read your website online, it also doesn't understand external URLs, like: www.konradp.com, it only reads and exports a folder. Also, this application was created for myself, then I only added this help doc. and a few other things, and published. This means it is not very strongly tested, but it worked for me fine, so I assume it will work for you too.
sitemap creator,folder list,sitemap maker,exporting folder structure to a html file,printing directory contents
contents creator exporting file folder html list maker printing sitemap structure
in Public bookmarks with blogging html sitemap software tools windows
html from all users