- Project Open Hand
in Make the world a better place with open place project world
- Rainforest Relief
in Make the world a better place with place rainforest relief world
- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
National Sexual Assault Hotline
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE. RAINN also provides resources for the prevention of sexual assault and education and assistance to victims of rape and sexual assault, including drug-rape, date rape, and statutory rape. Resource information and national hotline for free counseling.
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in Make the world a better place with assault hotline national place sexual world
- Rescue the Children
in Make the world a better place with children place rescue world
- Rural Action Working together to revitalize Appalchian Ohio
action appalachian athens community county development economy heritage murals ohio renewal rural sustainable tourism watershed
in Make the world a better place with action appalchian place revitalize rural together working world
dolls made by woman from Peru
The women of the Rurapuk handicraft cooperative produce hand-made ethnic dolls and sell them locally and overseas.
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in Make the world a better place with dolls peru place woman world
- The EnviroLink Network Site Map
in Make the world a better place with envirolink map network place site world
- The Jane Goodall Institute
Founded by renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, the Jane Goodall Institute is a global nonprofit that empowers people to make a difference for all living things.
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in Make the world a better place with goodall institute jane place world by 3 users
- The Memory Project
and books hope memory portraits project the
in Make the world a better place with memory place project world
- The Smile Train
Dedicated to Providing Free Cleft Lip an~1
in Make the world a better place with an1 cleft dedicated free lip place world
- The Walnut Avenue Women's Center
in Make the world a better place with avenue place walnut womens world
- Tibetan Refugee Health
mission is to facilitate medical treatment of the Tibetan people as well as to educate them about disease prevention. One of the goals of the project is to encourage Tibetans to learn skills that enable them to help other Tibetans. This is done by training qualified Tibetans so that they may become practitioners, skilled laborers, and/or volunteers who go back to work in their com
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in Make the world a better place with health place refugee tibetan world
- Trees, Water & People, TWP, Tree planting, Watershed prote~1
in Make the world a better place with people place planting trees twp water watershed world
- United States Fund for UNICEF
Donations to UNICEF USA, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, go to help children in over 150 countries around the world. UNICEF helps children receive vaccinations, drinking water, food, education and more.
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in Make the world a better place with fund place states unicef united world
- V-Day Until the Violence Stops
in Make the world a better place with place stops v-day violence world
- Vitamin Angel, Non-Profit International Assistance, Emergency Relief, Nutritional Supplements, People In Need
in Make the world a better place with angel assistance emergency international non-profit place vitamin world
- Waterkeeper Alliance
The Waterkeeper Alliance is a grass roots organization with individual waterkeeper programs both nationally and internationally. We are dedicated to preserving and protecting your water from polluters.
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in Make the world a better place with alliance place waterkeeper world
- WHO World Health Organization
in Natural Living > Living Lightly Links with health lightly living natural organization world by 15 users
- World Resources Institute
World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to protect the earth and improve people's lives. Our mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. WRI organizes its work around four key goal
action africa agriculture air amer america conservation ecology environment environmental protection sustainability sustainable
in Natural Living > Living Lightly Links with institute lightly living natural resources world by 6 users
- WorldPuja
Where the World Meets for Peace
in Make the world a better place with meets peace place world
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