Will Online Election Campaign Tools Win an Election? I was browsing the web and blog-hopping for Philippine Elections-related posts. And I saw a blog post at Aczafra.com, asking the question: “Will Online Election Campaign Tools Win an Election?” Reading further, the bottomline of the post was: Web presence and online media coverage would have no significant effect on the chances of a senatorial candidate in the coming senatorial elections. Now going back to the question “Will Online Election Campaign Tools Win an Election?” My answer to that is a resounding “Yes!” Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe campaigncandidatescsscyberdesignelectionsphilippinepoliticssenatorialvirtualweb in Public bookmarkswith 2007campaignselectionspoliticsreactionwebwebsites