Free 10-Week AJAX Course Sang Shin, Java evangelist extraordinaire, is holding an online training course from his website In 10 weeks, you will get to know the nitty-gritty of AJAX, popular frameworks like Dojo and the Google Web Toolkit and AJAX integration with web applications. Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe developmentweb with ajax
Free Search Advertising Course from UC Berkley Search Advertising by Google’s Dr. Hal Varian is a part of the course Search Engines: Technology, Society and Business at the University of California at Berkeley that can be accessed on the web for free. It covers the basics of how companies like Google and Yahoo are making money from advertising over the web. Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe advertisingcyberculturegooglesearch with advertisinggooglesearchyahoo
Free Webhost Hunting Being the cheapskate that I am, I was looking for a FREE (yes, free) webhost service for a new blog I’ll be launching soon. I can now imagine the gasps of the security-conscious folks out there. Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe freehostingmysqlphpweb with freemysqlphpwebhost
Google Gadgets: One Step closer to the Web OS The writing is on the wall– Google Gadgets is the search giant’s first of many steps to wean the public on the Web Desktop concept. And ultimately this new age desktop environment Google envisions will render the underlying OS into a much lower level that users will no longer interface with it. Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe cyberculturegooglesoftwaretools with desktopgadgetsgoogleosweb
Internet Explorer Poised to Make a Comeback Yes, IE is losing market share. Yes, IE is still the same bungling browser as it was 5 years ago, And yes, people are saying IE is slowly losing the browser wars. But don’t write off the browser yet, IE is poised for a comeback, and pretty sooner than most people think. Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe browsersexplorerinternet with browsersexplorerinternet
Is Your Blog in an Ivory Tower? (If it is, it’s doomed) It has become apparent these days is that the saying “Build it and they will come” does not apply for the web, and blogs in particular. One mistake bloggers often make is writing a blog without participating on the blogosphere– it really is like coming up with a literary masterpiece in solitary confinement. Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe bloggingcyberculture with bloggingbookmarkssocial