- Danskerne spilder næsten 19 timer på internetsøgninger årligt
MSN har via en online brugerundersøgelse spurgt 12.000 mennesker i 10 europæiske lande om deres søgevaner på nettet, og resultaterne viser, at vi bruger 18,8 timer i gennemsnit på fejlsøgninger. Det er markant mere, end vi ifølge undersøgelsen i gennemsnit farer vild i bil (4,3 timer) eller til fods (7,2 timer).
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By mfog in Public bookmarks with adfærd findability msn spild ua undersøgelse
- 3 Mobile Store - Mobile Phones from Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia and LG
By gkhan91 in Public bookmarks with findability samples
- Ambient Findability Webcast (Library of Congress)
Peter Morville, widely recognized as a founding father of information architecture, discussed his recent book, "Ambient Findability," in a program sponsored by the LOC.
The Library of Congress
By gkhan91 in Public bookmarks with findability howto ia search to_do usability vodcast
- IA Voice: Findability
They have a coolection of IA nad findability podcasts. Good place to o if you are lazy to read.
By gkhan91 in Public bookmarks with findability howto ia podcast vodcast
- Podcast on Information Architecture
Chris Farnum in a wordcast episode about Information Architecture. What is it, where did it come from, and how does IA contribute to a great customer experience?
Encouraging useful and usable designs for a better customer experience. /
By gkhan91 in Public bookmarks with findability for:ymmit ia podcast
- tiltool
UX Radar Tool
Erez Kikin Gil, Interaction designer currently located in Ivrea,Italy and focuses on the new ways people will interact with each other through computers and networks, products and services.
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By gkhan91 in Public bookmarks with findability
- findability.org
Ambient findability + the design of findable objects | a blog by Peter Morville
Peter Morville's blog about information architecture, user experience, search, and findability.
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By gkhan91 in Public bookmarks with findability
- Information Architecture 3.0
By tjhedgpeth in Public bookmarks with findability ia information_architecture ux by 3 users
- Card sorting: a definitive guide - Boxes and Arrows
By tjhedgpeth in Public bookmarks with design findability information_architecture usability web by 3 users
- A List Apart: Articles: Ambient Findability: Findability Hacks
By tjhedgpeth in Public bookmarks with findability information information_architecture
Results 1 - 10 for findability