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  • idyll - untitled ot4 kitten fic
    where oh where has my shame gone?!?! untitled ot4 kitten fic
    in sga fic with fluff ot4
  • idyll: Fic: Untitled Cracktasticness
    Time Stamp: A week after Rodney brings the dogs home ot4
    in sga fic with fluff ot4
  • No, Really, by Basingstoke
    No, Really Thanks to elynross and Miss Pamela for the betas! Thanks to many, many people for the encouragement. "Ow," Rodney said. Teyla shifted her bare feet on his shoulders. "Thank you." He was kneeling on John and Ronon's shoulders. His thighs were shaking where John and Ronon held onto him. He wasn't going to last.
    in unread_yet with ot4
  • sga_flashfic: Fic: No I in Team by lavvyan (Wordless Challenge)
    Title: No I in Team Author: lavvyan Summary: When the medics arrived, his team-mates were advised to stay away from him. Notes: Gen, though I suppose you could also read it as Team OT4.
    in sga fic with gen hurtcomfort ot4 wordless
  • Snowed IN
    Snowed In by Speranza Author's Note: This is a missing scene from my SGA story 3 Lovers that features, er, some guest star type people. A giant THANK YOU to Punk for her Month of McSheppity March Madness, and thanks to Terri and Limilicious for beta.
    in sga fic with 3_lovers ot4
  • stuff and things - Fic! in SGA, even! *marvels*
    Kiss Me, I'm An Earthling! by etben SGA, Ronon/Rodney/Teyla/John, PG-13 3250 words
    in unread_yet with ot4
  • stuff and things - Um. More porn?
    Earth Boys Are Easy by etben SGA, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, NC-17. 4294 goddamn words. (yeeeesh...)
    in unread_yet with ot4
  • team_sga: Love is Not a Victory March by Psychofilly
    Love is Not a Victory March By: Psychofilly Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Non-smutty team OT4, some vague Sam/Rodney and vague McShep. Spoilers: Vague post show. Disclaimers: Don't own the characters. If I did, maybe I'd have written a happier fic. Just playing in the sandbox. Notes: Despite all the vagues above, I had four very crisp and clear flashes of character moments and tried to convey them the best that I could. It's John's POV, a little more introspective than usual. Posted because Old Briar Pipe sent me over here.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • team_sga: Sleepy OT4 snippet
    Waking Senses Author: lovetheboys Combo(s): Teyla/Ronon/Rodney/John Archive: Rating: PG Summary: Rodney muses sleepily about his bedmates
    in unread_yet with ot4
  • team_sga: what you miss by 30toseoul (R)
    what you miss Author: 30toseoul Pairing: John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla Rating: R
    in sga fic with ot4 by 2 users
  • thingswithwings: fic: except you enthrall me
    except you enthrall me words: ~3700 (this challenge is going to kill me) fandom: SGA pairing: OT4 (that's John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon) rating: very much S for smut. kinks: tattooing, bondage (wrist restraints), cockrings, bukkake notes: this is my first story for [info]kink_bingo! I'm going to be posting them here as I write them, since I'm going for a blackout and it's going to be a while before I can post them to the comm. This is a postage stamp story, which means I did one story using four kink prompts from one corner. (if you're wondering: you CAN use one postage stamp story or one set of simultaneous line stories to count towards a blackout - just one.) The title is from an oldie but a goodie, Donne's Holy Sonnet #1.
    in sga fic with a_thingswithwings nc-17 ot4
  • we meanies only take NO for an answer. - yes, maybe
    Title: Yes, Maybe. Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Sequel to "No, Really." Rating: 1 AM
    in unread_yet with ot4

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