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  • aesc: Cruelly felled by illness and then distr
    .Playing the Body (NC17) for amberlynne, because I want to kill her. Wherein Rodney should get two minutes for roughing, but John gives him something else. .The Naturalist for beeej and her awesome Master & Commander art. .The Good Sheppard For mklutz and a bunch of other people who wanted something along the lines of SisterAct. So, I give you lounge-singer!John and Det. McKay.
    in sga fic with aesc au mcshep nc-17 snippets
  • aesc: Okay, this?
    wristband fic and discussion
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi - prony drabble
    I love to hear you oralize
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: Maybe This Is the Wrong Galaxy
    Maybe This Is the Wrong Galaxy nc-17
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: Smut for a Sunday morning
    McKay/Sheppard, NC-17, PWP. ~*~ If something's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: What do you mean, it's not May yet?
    I had this plan to write a little ficlet for each day in the month of May (May is Masturbation Month! Wikipedia said it, it must be true), and then two things happened: (a) I only got four prompts, and (b) I realized I'm moving overseas in the month of May, and not actually clinically insane. So I wrote the four prompts, and I'm posting them today. Think of it as an early Masturbation Month gift, if you'd like. And so without further ado...
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: Yay! Thursday porn!
    Yay! Thursday porn! This isn't so much an actual story as... porn. Just a nice scenario that's drifted through my head a few times in the past week or so. SGA, John/Rodney, no spoilers. NC-17.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • blacknblue2: Fic: Talky Sex
    Talky Sex Author: blacknblue2 Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC17 Vetted By Not yet, but I'll have one when I post to gpfg_studios Warnings: A teeny, teeny bit of D/s kink. Also, thar be boys sexin' boys, here. Author's Notes: Written for yin_again 's birthday. Summary: "Rodney - 2 PM: Photo shoot for DVD cover!"
    in sga fic with gpfg mcshep nc-17
  • cesperanza: New SGA: At The End Of The Pier
    At The End Of The Pier: A Tag to The Shrine (20k) Author: Speranza Fandom: SGA Pairing: McShep Author's Note: Look, hey, I wrote a PWP!!! Thanks to Lim, Resonant, and the longsuffering Terri. Excerpt: "I mean, it was the pier, of course, and me nearly dying, and what's a little brain surgery among friends?"
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep nc-17 post-theshrine
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Five Ways Sam Figured It Out
    thegrrrl2002 asked for Sam catching on to the fact that John and Rodney are together. sasha_feather seconded it.
    in sga fic with 5things mcshep mmmchelle nc-17
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Receiving
    Receiving Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Length: ~2,000 words Summary: John, Rodney, sex Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for the reassurances.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: Experiment #24
    Experiment #24 Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Category: Character-driven smut; Established Relationship Rating: NC 17 Length: ~3100 words Notes: Inspired by Grrrl, who kindly read through this for me. Summary: John is half-convinced that Rodney thinks their sex life is a series of experiments.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • csfandomthings: CW RPS Fic: Recliner porn for beanside
    Lazy Boyz Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jeffrey Dean Morgan Rating: Total NC-17 PWP Words: 400ish Summary: Jeff has tragic taste in furniture, Jared doesn't mind at all Author Note: Beany baby declared Porn!Friday. Here's my ficlet of a contribution:
    in cw fic with jeffjared nc-17
  • dogeared
    great snippets by sheafrotherdon and ladycat
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 snippets
  • Exhibition by lamardeuse
    Exhibition by lamardeuse Rating: NC-17 Written for the MMoM.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • fireball
    Fireball Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Genre: AU Word count: ~27,500 Spoilers: General second season. Summary: Ladies and gentlemen, your driver of the Number 21 Air Force Ford Fusion, John Sheppard.
    in sga fic with au mcshep nc-17
  • frostfire_17: here is no water
    Here is no water Author: Frostfire Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard Words: 8676 Spoilers: for Cameron backstory, up through Stronghold. For Atlantis, beginning of Season 2. Notes: This is what happens when you don't sleep. The crack eats your brain. I don't know if this counts as a crossover or not--given what we've heard about the two characters, it's well within the realm of canon, I think. I've done some things with the characterization that I find logical and believable, given the situation they're in; understand that these aren't necessarily the people I think John and Cameron were at this point in time, but definitely people I think they could have been.
    in sga fic with johncameron nc-17
  • Gay Porn For Girls Studios - Fic: Glass
    Glass Author: chelle Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Length: ~4300 words Vetted by: beadattitude Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for the read through and to Danvers for helping with the title. This story follows after "Kind of Beautiful," and is set in the universe Yin created with "Their Debut." Summary: When Rodney is called away, John has to do a GPFG shoot alone.
    in sga fic with gpfg mcshep nc-17
  • Gay Porn For Girls Studios - Fic: Stage Fright by lamardeuse, Part 1 of 2
    Stage Fright Author: lamardeuse Pairing: Lorne/Parrish Rating: NC-17 Vetted by: 20thcenturyvole Betad by: reginagiraffe Warnings: None Author’s Notes: Inspired by mklutz’s amazing DVD cover. Summary: David looked in the mirror and squared his shoulders. “David Parrish, porn star,” he intoned. When his reflection promptly turned green, David spun sideways and dropped to his knees, barely lifting the toilet lid in time.
    in sga fic with gpfg lorneparrish nc-17
  • glitterati
    ! wherein rodney is on enzyme and is a slut. ;)
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 rodney

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