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  • sga_flashfic: Five medical issues ... by shaenie and fiercelydreamed (Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral Challenge)
    Five medical issues Jennifer Keller is really, really sick of treating. Authors: [info]shaenie and [info]fiercelydreamed Summary: Some days it boggles the mind that this expedition consists of humanity's "best and brightest." Details: Keller, various others, PG-13 for mild sexual content (but basically gen). ~1,100 words, spoilers for S4. Notes: Installments 6-10 of the 25 Things series (which isn't linear -- each set stands fully independent of the others). Started because [info]shaenie somehow didn't have enough to do (I know, I'm boggled too), and continued because we like to collectively elaborate on canon with the mad glee of kindergartners stealing sandbox toys when the other kids aren't looking. Installment #1 can be found here.
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed a_shaenie keller

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