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  • star_language: SGA fic: Red Shirt
    Red Shirt Author: [info]winkingstar Rating: PG13 Pairing: John/Rodney Summary: Rodney wears a red shirt. Wordcount: ~2,900 Spoilers: Nothing specific. Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis is not mine, I'm not making any money off this, and I am but a poor starving grad student anyway. Notes: For the fabulous and courageous [info]propinquitine, who braved the perils of Internet Explorer for me. Here's the Wikipedia article for "redshirt" for those who did not grow up on Star Trek.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_star-language mcshep
  • star_language: SGA fic: Your Chances Vary As The Curves (1/2)
    Your Chances Vary As The Curves Author: winkingstar Rating: PG13 Pairing: John/Rodney Summary: What happened when a messy-haired pilot crossed paths with a cynical flight attendant. Wordcount: ~7,700 Spoilers: AU, so no spoilers. Disclaimer: These characters belong to big/important people and companies, which, sadly, do not include me. I am just playing with them. Warnings: Issues of sexual harassment. Nothing graphic, it’s mostly just angsting about the after-effects, but if that might distress you, you’ve been warned. Notes: Written for atlantis_9to5 group prompt #3: The one where they all work in an airport.
    in sga fic with a_star-language au mcshep

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