- ABC News Rediseña con CSS
Hace poco comentabamos el rediseño de Yahoo con CSS, ahora corresponde mencionar el rediseño del sitio de ABC News, a cargo de Mike Davidson responsable del hito en la adopción de estándares, ESPN.com.
in Public bookmarks with css mediosonline periodismodigital
- Características de Accesibilidad de CSS
El presente documento es la traducción al castellano del documento original (en inglés) titulado Accessibility Features of CSS.
in Public bookmarks with accesibilidad css w3c
- CMS, Estandares y Buenas Practicas
Uno de los aspectos más complejos para desarrollar un sitio relativamente grande en términos de contenido usando tecnologías estándares como XHTML y CSS es el soporte de los administradores de contenido o CMS. Normalmente estas aplicaciones hacen uso
in Public bookmarks with cms css estándares
- Checklist para estándares web - contenido
Checklist para estándares web
in Public bookmarks with accesibilidad checklist css estándares
- Creando esquinas redondeadas usando CSS
Crear un diseño de bordes nítidos y esquinas redondeadas usando CSS, evitando el uso de tablas.
in Public bookmarks with css
- Estrategias de Organizacion de CSS
Desde que comencé a utilizar CSS, hace ya algunos años, he buscado formas más eficientes de estructurar las hojas de estilo. En el principio todo se reducía a una hoja de estilo (normalmente llamada principal.css, main.css o diferentes variantes) que
in Public bookmarks with css
- 50 Beautiful CSS-Based Web-Designs in 2006 | Smashing Magazine
50 Beautiful CSS-Based Web-Designs in 2006
2006 was rich on creative, beautiful and unusual design concepts. We’ve seen a lot of whitespace, many examples readable usable text-design, badges, stars, rounded corners, shapes, gradients, mirror 3D-effects - just name it. Let’s take
creative inspiration portfolio showcases
in Public bookmarks with css design diseño standards webdesign by 6 users
- A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Pop-up Links
Accessible Pop-up Links
in Public bookmarks with accesibilidad css popup xhtml by 2 users
- A List Apart: Articles: From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer’s Journey
From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer’s Journey
in Public bookmarks with css design ingles web webdesign
- Abridged Guide to CSS2 Support
in Public bookmarks with css
- Adding a CSS StyleSheet to your RSS Feed
It's pretty easy to add a CSS stylesheet to your RSS feeds. I created one in about 10 minutes for my RSS feed. You can do a lot more with an XSL stylesheet (turn links into clickable links, etc), but CSS can make your feed look much less scary for the non
css rss xml
in Public bookmarks with css ingles rss by 3 users
in Public bookmarks with css by 2 users
in Public bookmarks with css
in Public bookmarks with css by 2 users
in Public bookmarks with css ingles
- bobbyvandersluis.com | the best of the Web
A personal collection of bookmarked links of resources and articles about Web design and Web production.
Personal website with articles about front-end web development
cascading css developer development dom front-end html javascript pr scripting sheets standards style unobtrusive w3c web xhtml
in Public bookmarks with css ingles web by 2 users
- Cascading Style Cheatsheet
CSS Properties with Examples
in Public bookmarks with css ingles by 9 users
- Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
This specification defines Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2). CSS2 is a style sheet language that allows authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts, spacing, and aural cues) to structured documents (e.g., HTML documents and XML applications). By
in Public bookmarks with css ingles w3c by 13 users
- CSS 3:
Cascading Style Sheets
in Public bookmarks with css ingles
- CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree: A List Apart
Most people who%u2019ve attempted to recreate a sophisticated design in HTML email have run into a wall when using CSS, either in the form of inexplicable mangling by email clients or a pronouncement by an email administrator stating that CSS is %u201Caga
Learn how to use CSS and valid HTML to style emails that work with a range of email clients.
css email html style webmail
in Public bookmarks with css email ingles by 3 users
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