- PND (web database) - Jobs
The Job Corner, part of the Center's Philanthropy News Digest, features current full-time job openings at U.S. foundations, grantmaking public charities, and other nonprofit organizations.
with job-seeking pnd
- Portico (website) - Prospect Research
Portico is assembled by the prospect researchers at the University of Virginia. It includes sections on biographical information, corporate information, asset location and evaluation, public records, occupations, and salaries.
with portico prospect_research
- Precollege Scholarships (web directory) - Michigan State University Libraries
The Michigan State University Grants and Related Resources site has a very useful resource section for precollege scholarships.
with michigan_state precollege scholarships
- PRIs - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (pdf article)
Information guide about PRIs from The Grantsmanship Center.
with grantsmanship_center pris
- Private School Scholarship Programs (web directory) - Admissions Quest
This site provides a brief listing of private school scholarship programs.
with precollege scholarships
- Private school tuition (article) - Financial assistance - ParentCenter
This brief article by ParentCenter.com provides a description of the different types of financial assistance available and a list of resources on where to start looking.
with precollege scholarships
- Pro Bono Partnership (website)
winner of numerous legal service awards, offers pro bono legal services to eligible nonprofit organizations in the New York tri-state area that serve the poor and disadvantaged, primarily in the areas of health and human services, affordable housing, neig
with legal_resources new_york pro_bono by 2 users
- Professional Advisor Toolkit (website) - The Cleveland Foundation
The Professional Advisor Toolkit includes Bequest language, Planned gift comparison chart, Sample charitable IRA rollover letter to IRA administrator
with bequests cleveland_foundation consultants ohio planned_giving professional_advisor_toolkit samples_and_templates
- Program-Related Investments (PRIs) Primer and Toolkit (pdf article)
For the private foundation (inclusive of family or company-affiliated foundations) that supports poverty alleviation initiatives, this Primer and Toolkit discusses the basic policy, financial and legal issues concerning mission or program related invest
with pris
- Prospect Research on Companies and Executives (website)
The Company/Executive Info section of David Lamb's Prospect Research Page is an excellent collection of links that pinpoint information on a specific corporation's charitable giving interests.
with prospect_research
- Prospect Research Portal (website) - Stanford University
Stanford University Development Research includes the "Prospect Research Engine," an indexed database of research links.
with prospect_research stanford_university
- PRSPCT-L Listserv - CharityChannel
PRSPCT-L ("Prospect El"), the listserv for prospect researchers.
with charitychannel listservs prospect_research
- Public Disclosure Rules for Tax-Exempt Organizations (article)
In this concise "refresher", Jeffrey Tenenbaum dicusses the conditions and requirements for tax-exempt organizations vis-a-vis public disclosure. If you are uncertain of what your organization's responsibilities are or what the possible repercussions for
with legal_resources public_disclosure
- Publication 1771 (pdf) - Charitable Contributions
IRS Publication 1771 explains the federal tax law for organizations such as charities and churches that receive tax-deductible charitable contributions and for taxpayers who make contributions.
with individual_giving irs publication_1771 tax_resources
- Publication 526 (pdf) - Charitable Contributions
The IRS has a list of contributions to charity which can and cannot be tax-deducted.
with irs publication_526 tax_resources
- Purpose and Importance of a Mission Statement (article)
The Mission Statement declares 'why' an organization exists, and is the only foundation upon which a long-range strategic plan (the blueprint for carrying out the organization's 'business') can be developed.
with incorporation mission_statements
- Rating the Raters (pdf article) - An Assessment of Major Nonprofit Rating Organizations
The National Council of Nonprofit Associations and the National Human Services Assembly have created a document entitled "Rating the Raters: An Assessment of Organizations and Publications That Rate/Rank Charitable Nonprofit Organizations" that provides a
with individual_giving prospect_research
- Rebuilding Together (website) - For low-income home renovation and repair
Rebuilding Together is a national nonprofit with a network of nearly 225 affiliates across the United States. Our mission is to preserve affordable housing by bringing volunteers and communities together to rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowner
with housing rebuilding_together
- ReliefWeb (website) - Humanitarian emergencies information
ReliefWeb is an on-line gateway to information on humanitarian emergencies and disasters.
with international reliefweb by 5 users
- Reuters AlertNet (website) - Who works where
Reuters AlertNet is a humanitarian news network maintained by Reuters Foundation
with international reuters
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