- Salary Surveys (web directory) - Idealist
These resources include salary surveys and articles about compensation in the nonprofit world.
with idealist salary_surveys
- Sample Acknowledgement Letter (pdf) - NC Center for Nonprofits
The N.C. Center for Nonprofits in North Carolina has brief samples of acknowledgement letter templates on its site.
with gift_acceptance samples_and_templates
- Sample Acknowledgment Letter
Labyrinth, Inc. has a brief sample acknowledgement letter template.
with gift_acceptance samples_and_templates
- Sample Articles of Incorporation (pdf) - Arizona Corporation Commission
The Arizona Corporation Commission has instructions for nonprofit articles of incorporation in the state of Arizona available in PDF format.
with incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Articles of Incorporation (pdf) - California Crime Stoppers
California Crime Stoppers has sample template nonprofit articles of incorporation on pages 6 through 10 of this PDF file.
with incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Articles of Incorporation (pdf) - Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits has a template for nonprofit articles of incorporation.
with incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Articles of Incorporation (website) - Free Management Library
The Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits from Minnesota offers this sample template article of incorporation on its site.
with incorporation samples_and_templates by 2 users
- Sample Articles of Incorporation (website) - RECA Foundation
The RECA Foundation, a nonprofit from Washington state, has posted a template article of incorporation on its site.
with incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Articles of Incorporation (website) - WorldLawDirect
WorldLawDirect.com has a template sample form available on its site.
with incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Artist's Information Statement (NAIA)
The NAIA version of an Artist Information Statement was developed after having shows ask us for some idea of what would be helpful. We hoped that this would be a version that could be applicable to most shows that want to include a statement but would lik
with artists_statements arts samples_and_templates
- Sample Artists' Proposals from the Alexia Foundation (photographers)
The Alexia Foundation, dedicated to helping professional and student photographers produce photographs that promote world peace and cultural understanding, have samples of winning proposals available on its site. Click on Previous Winners for additional.
with arts samples_and_templates
- Sample Budget (website) - Nonprofit Guides
Nonprofit Guides has a sample general operating budget, proposal cover letter, letter of inquiry, proposal, and other items that may be of use to you.
with budgets nonprofit_guides samples_and_templates
- Sample Budget for Program Grant Proposals
The Bush Foundation in St. Paul, MN has on its Web site a sample budget, which includes a method for documenting sources of support, as well as expenses that include overhead.
with budgets proposal_writing samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws - Greater Pittsburgh Chapter of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals
Greater Pittsburgh Chapter of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals has posted its bylaws on its site.
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws - New York State Museum
The New York State Museum has bylaw samples for both a historical society and a museum.
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws - RECA Foundation
The following are the bylaws are used by the RECA Foundation. They are designed for the high technology field to make quick and informed decisions, with a consistent five member board. Anyone may use these bylaws when starting their own non-profit.
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws - Vegetarian Union of North America, Inc.
The Vegetarian Union of North America has a Maryland branch that has posted its bylaws on its site.
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws - With membership (pdf)
Posted by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, this .pdf document provides sample bylaws for an organization with members
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws - Without members (pdf)
Posted by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, this .pdf document shows sample bylaws for a nonprofit without members.
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation samples_and_templates
- Sample Bylaws (website) - Template from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
Template of sample bylaws (Posted by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits)
with board_of_directors bylaws incorporation legal_resources samples_and_templates
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