- SpaceTime™
Search Google, YouTube, RSS, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr and Images all in one 3D space. Coming Soon! Email, Shopping, MySpace, Facebook, Music and Hundreds More!
with interface by 3 users
- Spinner.com
Free MP3s, Interviews, Music News, Live Performances, Songs and Videos Best Opening Lyrics
Free CD Listening weekly, MP3 downloads and new music daily, plus exclusive interviews and live podcasts from music's most influential artists.
blog electronic exclusive indie mp3 photo podcast pop radio rock spinner video
with music by 17 users
- Street Peeper
Global Street Fashion latest fashion trends on the street
with fashion by 2 users
- Streetsy
Daily Streetart
with art by 4 users
- Studieren-im-Netz
with study by 2 users
- StudiVZ-Viralspots
StudiVZ streut derzeit drei virale Spots durchs Web, die aus meiner Sicht vor allem eines sind: Unsittlich, ekelerregend, abstoßend. Das muss man aber nicht so empfinden. In jedem Fall dürften die Spots eine kontroverse Debatte erzeugen und damit eine große Aufmerksamkeit erzielen. Doch heiligt der Zweck alle Mittel? Schießt sich die Marke mit den kalkulierten Schocks der Virals nicht selbst ins Knie?
with viral
- STYLEBOP.com | Die heißesten Trends aus den Metropolen der Welt
Die neuesten Trends aus Mailand, Paris, New York und L.A. Mode am Puls der Zeit.... Die schärfsten Jeans, die schicksten Röcke, die witzigsten T-Shirts, die luxuriösesten Pullover, die glamourösesten Schuhe. Von großen, renommierten Luxus-Labels - und von kleinen, heißen Newcomer-Firmen. STYLEBOP.com zeigt Ihnen, was die Stars tragen - und wie man moderne Looks sexy kombiniert.
with fashion
- Suche nach IDEENTEST
with ideas
- Superb Live
The Blog is to promote live music. If you're the artist or recording company and would like to have the post removed, please eMail me at desaab@gmail.com.
with music
- TED | About TED
ED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader. This site makes the best talks and performances from TED available to the public, for free. More than 100 talks from our archive are now available, with more added each week. These videos are released under a Creative Commons license, so they can be freely shared and reposted. Our mission: Spreading ideas.
with wissen
- TED | Talks | Blaise Aguera y Arcas
Jaw-dropping Photosynth demo (video)
TED Talks Blaise Aguera y Arcas leads a dazzling demo of Photosynth, software that could transform the way we look at digital images. Using still photos culled from the Web, Photosynth builds breathtaking dreamscapes and lets us navigate them.
collaboration demo microsoft photography short software talk talks technology ted visualizations
with digital_future by 7 users
- TED | TEDBlog - 100 Websites You Should Know and Use
100 Websites You Should Know and Use The Web is constantly turning out new and extraordinary services many of us are unfamiliar with. During TED University at this spring's TED2007 in Monterey, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, offered an ultra-fast-moving ride through sites in many different areas, from art, design and illustration, to daily news, blogs and curio
with blog links by 14 users
- TemplateWorld
Browse All Website Templates
Where do I find premium website templates?There are a few good website template providers, but TemplateWorld is the best source for premium CSS templates..
with templates by 6 users
- Teste dein Webdesign in verschiedenen Browsern
Teste dein Webdesign in verschiedenen Browsern. Einfach Webadresse eingeben.
with webdesign by 2 users
- Textlinks
with text
- The 12 Kinds of Ads
The 12 Kinds of Ads
with advertising by 2 users
- the best advertising and design around the globe
showcase only the best advertising and design around the globe. But sometimes you have to show the very worst as well in order to know what great ads and designs are. This site is there to start a conversation, to inspire, to enjoy great work, or to just talk about what your views are.
with advertising by 12 users
- The Collective Commercial Works of Drew Europeo
I am DREW EUROPEO, a collaborator for years and a passionate illustrator, print and web designer who works with a wide variety of clients from all over the world.
with portfolio
- the dangers of searching on Google.
Click play on the video below to see a fascninating documentary showing the dangers of searching on Google.
with documentary by 6 users
- The Happiness Project
I'm working on a book, THE HAPPINESS PROJECT--a memoir about the year I spent test-driving every principle, tip, theory, and scientific study I could find, whether from Aristotle or St. Therese or Martin Seligman or Oprah. THE HAPPINESS PROJECT will gather these rules for living and report on what works and what doesn’t. On this daily blog, I recount some of my adventures and insights as I grapple with the challenge of being happier.
A blog about the pursuit of happiness.
clutter creativity hacks happiness health life parenting productivity relationships tips writing
with life by 4 users
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