- Photoshop Tutorials and Flash Tutorials
Photoshop Tutorials and Flash Tutorials
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with tutorial by 29 users
- Photoshop Tutorials, Flash Tutorials and More! P2L Tutorial Search
flash tutorials 3d
Pixel2life is the largest tutorial search engine on the internet catering to graphic designers and programmers. From Photoshop to Poser to C++, we have it all in the fastest and friendliest search tool around.
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with flash tutorials by 53 users
- PodcastDirectory.com
The big directory
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with podcast by 11 users
- popurls
popular urls to the latest web buzz
popurls® is the mother of news aggregators, a single page that encapsulates up-to-the-minute headlines from the most popular sites on the internet | by thomas marban
with links by 130 users
- Portfolio of Edwin Tofslie
This is my body of work. I am an online and traditional Art Director & Designer and have been lucky enough to work on some great brands over the past few years. Much of my career has been spent in the San Francisco Bay area at AKQA and EVB
with portfolio
- PR Blogger
In diesem Online-Journal schreiben Fachautoren regelmäßig über PR- und Marketing-Themen. Hierbei bilden neue Entwicklungen in der Kommunikation den Schwerpunkt.
with blog pr
- praegnanz.de: Dinge, die man einfach nicht mehr macht …
Dinge, die man einfach nicht mehr macht, die aber oftmals immer noch gefordert werden. Und zwar von Leuten, die in Agenturen oder PR-Abteilungen Websites konzipieren, ohne selber Heavy User (oder gar cooler Blogleser) zu sein.
with web by 2 users
- Preparing our Landrover for an expedition to Russia
We are rebuilding our ex-MOD Landrover Series III for an expedition to Russia. At the moment we are still planing our journey. The following pages will give you an impression of the progress we have made until now. Are you curious yet?
with expedition
- Presentation Zen
everything about presentation
with presentation by 14 users
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with portfolio by 8 users
- Radio 6
jazz radio
with radio by 2 users
- reactable
The reactable is a collaborative electronic music instrument with a tabletop tangible multi-touch interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving and rotating physical objects on a luminous round table surface.
with innovation music by 3 users
- Royalty free stock images
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with icons
- Sample slides
Presentation effect
with presentation
- Science and Technology News, Science Articles
Discover Magazine Articles on Science, Technology and The Future
Read Discover Magazine online for science news, articles, current events and future views on technology, space, environment, health and medical, more.
with magazine wissen by 14 users
- scottberkun.com » #38 - How to pitch an idea
How to pitch an idea
with ideas by 2 users
- screenfluent collection for zeitgeist of screen design
the web's most favorite collection for zeitgeist of screen design | by thomas marban
with design interface
- Secrets of Self Taught Web Developers
the basics of web development
Eric Hebert discusses an overview of the secrets and resources used to understand web programming and development.
with development links by 4 users
- Seven Biggest Cheats in Sport
Seven Biggest Cheats in Sport
with stories
- Solar
A short film by Ian Wharton & Edward Shires Solar heisst das Projekt von zwei Nachwuchs-Designern. Der Film allein ist schon galaktisch, aber richtig erleuchtend wird es beim Making-Of. Wow!
with animation
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