- Rage Against The Machine 1992/93 Tour Special & Report
Various interviews with Rage Against The Machine members surrounding the 1992/93 Tour.
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in Lifestyle > Music with against interview interviews lifestyle machine morello music political rage the tom tour zach
- Reporting America at War . Malcolm W. Browne . The Buddhist Protests of 1963 | PBS
"It was clearly theater staged by the Buddhists to achieve a certain political end. At the same time, there was a human element to it that was just horrifying, because the sequence of pictures showed the initial shock of the flames touching his face, and so forth. He never cried out or screamed, but you could see from his expression that he was exposed to intense agony, and that he was dying on the spot — and then, in the end, when the body was rigidly burned, they couldn't stuff him into a casket because he was splayed out in all directions. As shock photography goes, it was hard to beat. It's not something that I'm particularly proud of. If one wants to be gruesome about it, it was a very easy sequence of pictures to take."
in Political > News with against america browne machine malcolm nico protest rage ratm the war
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