- Ajax Patterns
AjaxPatterns.org is an in-progress collection of Ajax patterns being collected and discovered by Michael (mailto:michael@mahemoff.com) Mahemoff (in-progress draft for the upcoming "Ajax Design Patterns" text (O'Reilly))
in HTML, CSS, UAs etc > XHTML > Remote Scripting with ajax remote remoting scripting by 5 users
- IXMLHTTPRequest Members
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- PerfectXML.com
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- Processing XML with JavaScript
SitePoint DHTML & CSS Blog
I came across a situation at work today where I needed to take an XML string from a textarea and
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- Quick tip XMLHttpRequest and innerHTML
SitePoint DHTML & CSS Blog
XMLHttpRequest is one of modern DHTML’s best kept secrets. If you haven’t encountered it before, it’s a method of making
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in HTML, CSS, UAs etc > XHTML > Remote Scripting with blog css dhtml remote scripting sitepoint xhtml
- Remote Scripting with IFRAME
in HTML, CSS, UAs etc > XHTML > Remote Scripting with iframe remote scripting xhtml
- ScriptWeb
Macintosh Scripting Resources - Since 1995
ScriptWeb provides a starting point for information on Macintosh scripting, including cross-platform tools.
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- Softpress
Products: Freeway Pro and Freeway Express - design the web!
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- Unobtrusive Javascript
It is the extra layer above the mark-up "what is this text" and the CSS "how should it be displayed". Javascript adds a new dimension, the "how should this element behave".
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- Using the XML HTTP Request object
in HTML, CSS, UAs etc > XHTML > Remote Scripting with object remote request scripting xhtml xml by 4 users (all private)
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