- [ws] Fast Rollovers Without Preload Rychlé rollovery bez nacítání
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- 24 ways
... to impress your friends
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- A Guide to CSS Support in Email | Articles/Tips
Campaign Monitor Blog - CSS Support in Email
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in HTML, CSS, UAs etc > CSS with css list by 63 users
- About Element Behaviors
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- Activating the Right Layout Mode Using the Doctype Declaration
Explains how browsers use doctype sniffing to switch the layout mode between the quirks mode and the standards mode.
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- Adobe
Spry framework for Ajax Developer Center
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- Adobe - Developer Center
Introducing the Spry framework for Ajax (Adobe)
508 accessibility section
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A JavaScript Library for Macromedia's Flash™ Platform
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- And all that Malarkey
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- Andy Coates - digital.media.developer
Personal site with Portolio Projects etc.
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- Any Order Columns
In search of the One True Layout
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- Attributes
in HTML, CSS, UAs etc > CSS with attributes css by 2 users (all private)
- Basics of search engine optimisation
456 Berea Street
Basic tips for Search Engine Optimisation: add quality content regularly and make sure your site is well-built.
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in Public bookmarks with accessibility css html seo usability by 3 users (all private)
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Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours
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- Box Model Hack
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- Cascading Style Sheets~8204
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- ClevaTreva Designs
CSS Source Ordered 1-3 Columned Page Maker v2.90
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- Cody Lindley
Web Developer - Designer - Programmer - Boise - Idaho
Cody Lindley is a client-side engineer (aka front-end developer) and recovering Flash developer. He has an extensive background working professionally (11+ years) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and client-side performance techniques as it pertains to web development. If he is not wielding client-side code he is likely toying with interface/interaction design, PHP, MVC framework
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