DAM-LR DAM-LR proposes to develop and deploy an infrastructure for the European research community that is interested in an easy management of and access to linguistic resources of all kinds such as large (multimedia) corpora, lexicons, grammar descriptions and others. in Computational Linguistics > Metadatawith metadata
IMDI The ISLE Meta Data Initiative (IMDI) is a proposed metadata standard to describe multi-media and multi-modal language resources. The standard provides interoperability for browsable and searchable corpus structures and resource descriptions with help of specific tools. in Computational Linguistics > Metadatawith metadata
Semi-structured metadata Classification schemes are going to be largely displaced by tagging for the same reasons that search has largely displaced directories for finding things, namely that distributed intelligence, for all its faults, tends to beat the work of a professional class when dealing with large, dynamic systems. in Computational Linguistics > Metadatawith classificationinformationmetadata