- GOLD Ontology
GOLD browser
in Linguistics with glossing linguistics ontology
- GOLD Ontology mailing list
Google group for discussion of GOLD ontology
in Linguistics with gold linguistics ontology
- Gregory T Stump
Realizational morphology
in Linguistics > Morphologists with gregory linguistics morphologists stump
- Greville G. Corbett
in Linguistics > Morphologists with corbett greville linguistics morphologists
- Greville G. Corbett
in Linguistics > Morphologists with corbett greville linguistics morphologists
- Grzegorz Kondrak
I am particularly interested in:
* identification of cognates -- words that are similar across different languages (e.g. English night and German nacht)
* applications of cognates in various areas of NLP, including language reconstruction, sentence and word alignment in bitexts, machine translation, and detecting confusable drug names
* computing word similarity (orthographic, phonetic, and semantic)
* applications of bioinformatics in NLP
in Computational Linguistics > People with computational grzegorz kondrak linguistics people
- Harald Clahsen
acquisition disorders language morphological neurolinguistics parsing processing psycholinguistics
in Linguistics > Morphologists with clahsen harald linguistics morphologists
- Hayes and Albright (learning)
in Computational Linguistics > Morphology with albright computational hayes learning linguistics morphology by 2 users
- Healthcare XML standards
Nothing to do with lexicons, but Seven Pillars of Standards: why standards can fail (or even succeed).
in Computational Linguistics > Lexicography > Standards with computational lexicons linguistics by 2 users
This page provides information about Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) related activities at the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) at Stanford University.
computational generation grammar head-driven hpsg language linguistics natural parsing phrase processing structure
in Linguistics > Syntax with hpsg linguistics syntax
- HPSG Grammars in ALE
in Computational Linguistics > Syntax with ale computational grammars hpsg linguistics syntax
- HyperLex
Homepage of LDC Staff member, Dr. Steven Bird
administrators consortium coordinators cvs data ldc linguistic managers programmers researchers resumes staff
in Computational Linguistics > Phonology with computational hyperlex linguistics phonology
- ILK Induction of Linguistic Knowledge
in Computational Linguistics > Learning with computational induction knowledge learning linguistics
- Inflectional German Adjectives (DATR)
The Inflectional Phonology of German Adjectives, Determiners and Pronouns
in Computational Linguistics > Morphology with adjectives computational datr german inflectional linguistics morphology
- Inst 4 Informatics (Tomek)
This is the web page of ILS at Suny Albany.
albany and for ils informatics institute logics new security state studies suny the ualbany university york
in Computational Linguistics with computational informatics inst linguistics tomek
- Instructor's Manual for Bender, Sag and Wasow
in Linguistics > Syntax with linguistics manual sag syntax wasow
- International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages
The International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages (IJCPOL), originally known as the International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, was founded in Summer 1983. IJCPOL provides an international publishing and archival platform for human language research works in different forms of language (visual, graphical, sign and textual); in different cultures (English, Japanese, etc.); and in different applications (e-commerce, education, etc).
in Computational Linguistics with computational linguistics nlp
- International Phonetic Association
International Phonetic Association, IPA, Phonetics, International Phonetic Alphabet, IPA Alphabet
in Linguistics > Phonetics with association international linguistics phonetics by 3 users
- interNOSTRUM (Spanish <-> Catalan)
interNOSTRUM, un sistema de traducció automàtica castellà-català, que permet traduir arxius, pàgines d'internet, correu electrònic i text planer. interNOSTRUM, un sistema de traducción automática castellano-catalán, que permite traducir archivos, páginas de internet y texto simple. interNOSTRUM, a spanish-catalan Machine Translation System which allows to translate file
automàtica automática castellano-cata español-catalán machine system traducció traducción traductor translation translator
in Computational Linguistics > MT with catalan computational internostrum linguistics spanish
- Inxight LinguistX_FinalWeb
in Computational Linguistics > Language ID with computational inxight language linguistics linguistx_finalweb
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