- Continuation-Passing Style
with functional good tutorial
- continuations and stackless python (p)
with python
- Continuous Integration
with process
- Continuous Integration .Net
My Quest for Knowledge.
aaron games intro sprague technology
with process
- Continuous Integration using MSBuild, CruiseControl.NET, FxCop, NUnit, NCover + Subversion - From the software development tren
with build good tutorial
- Controlling iTunes with Python … Cross Platform « Code Lemur!
ensuredispatch example
with ipod python
- Conventions to Learn, which are most important?
with bridge tbu
- Cook Your Meat in a Beer Cooler
The World's Best (and Cheapest) Sous-Vide Hack | Serious Eats
with howto
- Cookbook/IPythonEmacs23 - IPython
running ipython under emacs
with emacs ipython
- CopyTrans Review
iPod Copy Program - iPod Backup Program - iPod Transfer Program
with apps review
- core python programming book homepage (p)
with programming book python warning2
- Corewar - Evolving via genetic algorithms
links to a selection of other great Corewar sites
corewar corewars evolve koth redcode
with algorithm fun genetic
- Could you explain read-kbd-macro in more detail?
syntax explanation
Frequently asked questions about XEmacs: Advanced
about advanced asked frequently questions xemacs
with emacs faq
- Counting in bridge
exercises and examples
with bridge
- Counting out a bridge hand
Developing counting skills
with bridge
- CPUID - utilities for identifying monitioring x86 based chips / systems
# CPU-Z # PC Wizard # ClockGen # PerfMonitor # HWMonitor # HWMonitor Pro
amd clockgen cpu cpu-z cpuid cpuidsdk intel overclock pci processor smbus spd wizard
with apps by 5 users
- Crack.NET « Josh Smith on WPF
Crack.NET is a runtime debugging and scripting tool I made that gives you access to the internals of any .NET desktop application running on your computer. If you love Snoop and Mole for Visual Studio, you’ll love Crack.NET, too. Crack.NET allows you to “walk” the managed heap of another .NET application, inspect all kinds of values on objects, and even manipulate those objects via IronPython scripts. There is so much to say about Crack.NET that I wrote an article about it. I highly suggest you read the article if you are interested in using Crack.NET. You can download that document here:
with .net tools wpf
- Craigsnumber
Auto expiring. FREE anonymous phone numbers for online safety.
Get new and repeat customers. Start Social Branding, Paypercall, & Referral-Marketing campaigns. Monitor brand replutation & stay connected with customers.
with system:unfiled
- Crash Dump Analysis and Debugging Portal - Tools
good list of debugging tools
with debugging windows
- Crayon Physics Deluxe Playground
user created levels
with fun
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