- python - Producer/Consumer with multitask library
in Public bookmarks with concurrency libraries python
- Python Cheese Shop - simplegeneric: simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
free language object oriented programming python source web
in Public bookmarks with libraries patterns python tbu
- python code using pyx to produce 3d graphs of connected lines
in Public bookmarks with python libraries graphics
- Python Dispatch Package
in Public bookmarks with good libraries python tbu
- python email libraries from devshed (p)
in Public bookmarks with libraries python
- python library for calculating with uncertainties (error propagation)
in Public bookmarks with libraries python
- Python Logging 101
intro to python logging
in Public bookmarks with libraries python
- Python speech recognition and text-to-speech module for Windows
in Public bookmarks with libraries python
- python4ply
python4ply is a Python parser for the Python language. The grammar definition uses PLY, a parser system for Python modelled on yacc/lex. The parser rules use the "compiler" module from the standard library to build a Python AST and to generate byte code for .pyc file.
You might use python4ply to experiment with variations in the Python language.
in Public bookmarks with libraries python tbu tools
- PyUtilib - A Python Utility Library
PyUtilib includes utilities such as: * A classes to manipulate Excel spreadsheets * Utilities for using PLY parsers * Utilies for generating cross-products of sets * Functions to redirect IO * A generic Factory utility * Functions for standardizing floating point IO between 32-bit and 64-bit platforms * A utility for conveniently importing modules * Functions for performing an exact comparison of files * Classes for singleton/unity objects
in Public bookmarks with libraries python
- PyX - Python graphics package
also includes link to plotting library
in Public bookmarks with graphics python libraries good
- PyX - Python graphics package -- curved graph example
in Public bookmarks with python graphics libraries good
- QuickGraph, Graph Data Structures And Algorithms for .Net - Home
in Public bookmarks with .net graphics libraries
- QuickGraph, Graph Data Structures And Algorithms for .Net - Home
in Public bookmarks with .net libraries
- Re: .NET backend source code: msg#00027 python.matplotlib.devel
pointer to source for .net backend
in Public bookmarks with ironpython libraries python
- Refactoring single threaded code to multithreaded and to Tasks (with Parallel Extension Framework)
in Public bookmarks with .net concurrency libraries
- Reference for using MathNet.Iridium from IronPython - Release
Math.Net Reference
in Public bookmarks with .net ironpython libraries
- Regular Expression Library
Regular Expression Library provides a searchable database of regular expressions. Users can add, edit, rate, and test regular expressions.
asp awk build dotnet example expression find grep library net perl regex regexlib regular regx search sed test tutorial
in Public bookmarks with libraries tutorial
- Resources « WPF Disciples
resources for wpf - mvvm libraries, etc
in Public bookmarks with libraries tools wpf
- Ribbon Controls – Windows 7 or WPF or MFC based
options for ribbon support
in Public bookmarks with libraries mfc wpf
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