New Blogger Blog Experiment Search Marketers have a tendency to put anything they do online and find a way to monitize it. Here is you chance to look over my shoulder on one way I will use a free resource like Blogger Beta to create what I call an “integrated effort” which will let me link several efforts to multiply the results. in Public bookmarkswith bloggerblogger_betagoogleinternet_marketingsemseo
The Need for Web Analytics Part 3 As soon as you progress in your internet marketing efforts to the point of being able to attract even the most modest amount of traffic to your web sites you need to become familiar with a concept that you simply can not afford to ignore, split testing. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you view it split testing is one of the most ignored concepts today. There are many successful marketers who could be a lot more successful with split testing, if you are a feel good type that wants everyone to be successful I think you would call this unfortunate. in Public bookmarkswith analyticsgoogleinternet_marketingsemseotrackingweb_marketing