SEN Teacher ~ Free teaching resources for Special Needs. SEN Teacher provides cost-free teaching & learning resources for students with special needs and learning disabilities. MANY ARE ELL friendly. All are free. * The Print Page has a selection of printable worksheets, handouts and teaching aids. * The Links Page lists websites which have been carefully selected for the quality of their information or because they provide further excellent sources of cost-free learning resources and software. * The Files Page lists free educational software from many sources which has proved useful to teachers and parents of special needs students. * Search Tools are custom Google search engines that make the search easier. Rec. by Lesa Friedrich SEN Teacher has free worksheets, teaching resources, educational software and links for special needs teachers. activitesautismeducationfreefreewaregameslearningmatneedsprogramsresourcessoftwarespecialsyndrometeacherteaching in Special Edwith disabilitiesfreeprintablessoftwareworksheets