- Introduction to Thinking Skills
Instructional Framework This site provides templates for educators to use to enhance higher order thinking skills, including samples of types of questions that can stimulate students to think more critically. Rec. by Colorin Colorado
in Higher-order thinking with framework hots instructional lessons planning questions templates thinking
- Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Home Page
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is a categorized list of sites useful for enhancing curriculum and professional growth. It is updated often to include the best sites for teaching and learning. Rec. by Rachael Daubach
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with curriculum kathy lesson planning professional schrock
- Middle school link of the week archives
Check out the many resources in this site across the disciplines. Focus on middle school but some of the links are appropriate for other grades.
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with language math planning science social
- SIOP Central, Resources for Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
The SIOP Model offers a research-based approach to sheltered lesson planning and implementation that has proven effective with English language learners throughout the United States. The model was developed in a 7-year national research project (1996-2003) sponsored by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence (CREDE). Through literature review and with the collaboration of practicing teachers, researchers identified features of instruction present in high-quality sheltered lessons to generate the SIOP Model. The model was refined over multiple years of field testing and consists of eight components and 30 features that are explained in the book, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model (Echevarria, Vogt & Short,
The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) aims to promote and improve the teaching and learning of languages, identify and solve problems related to language and culture, and serve as a resource for information about language and culture. CAL carries out a wide range of activities including research, teacher education, analysis and dissemination of information, design and developme
applied bilingual center education english esl for foreign language languages linguistics second standards teaching testing
in English as a New Language > Sheltered Instruction (Teaching Content to ELLs) with content ells instruction lesson planning sheltered siop by 2 users
- Teachers sell their work online
The site, teacherspayteachers.com, aims to be an eBay for educators. For a $29.95 yearly fee, sellers can post their work and set their prices. Buyers rate the products. (I don't know the quality of the lessons, but I like the idea for my teachers who are creating powerful products.)
in Teacher Resources with lessons planning sell
- Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators
Scholars from the University of Chicago developed this teacher resource to provide an overview of Middle Eastern cultures and their contributions to the world.
in Social Studies > World History with east institute lesson middle oriental planning
- TeachNet
Lesson Plans This website provides lesson plans created by teachers for lessons at the high school, middle school, and elementary levels in a variety of subject areas, including business & careers and technology & media. The lesson bank is supported by TeachNet, which seeks to help teachers use web-based technology in their practice.
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with career lesson planning technology
- Utah Education Network
The site offers lesson plans for grades K-12. They also have interactive links to games about reading, numbers, the alphabet and many others. There is another section at the website that has teacher resources available for differentiation ideas. Rec. by Vicky Bock
The Utah Education Network website provides education tools, activities, lesson plans, curriculum guides and professional development for teachers and educators in the state of Utah. You can also find other UEN resources like UEN-TV channel 9, EDNET, and distance learning resources.
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in Teacher Resources with differentiation lesson planning utah by 2 users
- collegeboard.com
Planning for College
Sometimes the toughest part of planning something is just figuring out where to start. Get on track to finding an education and career track that matches your skills and preferences. Learn about all your options—and how you can achieve them.
in College Support with college planning support
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