- Planet WebQuest: Designed for Grade 3
This site takes your students through a series of tasks related to space. They become astronauts and design their own mission patches. They then take off to explore a planet in space. Once they learn about that planet, they send an email postcard back to school describing what they have learned.This comes from a larger site with a variety of resources that I use often: www.suelebeau.com Rec. by Paula Moan
with planet planets science space webquest
- Vision Learning: Three States of Matter
Animation of the three states of matter: Solid, liquid, and gas. Other resouces at Vision Learning, all available in Spanish
with animation matter sciece
- world atlas of maps flags and geography facts
Resources for teachers, students, and travelers
asia atlas aust cities continents counties countries free geography help homework islands maps oceans states territories world
with atlas earth maps world by 9 users
- Volcanoes
The site on volcanoes has short video clips showing volcanoes. It can be used as a background building activity, pre-reading strategy and as a resource on volcanoes. I’ve used it as a pre-reading activity because it has short video clips of volcanoes erupting. The size of the video image is small. Rec. by Katrina Cook
This interactive exhibit, part of the Exhibits Collection, explores why volcanic eruptions occur. Activities in the exhibit invite visitors to melt rocks, locate famous volcanoes and play the role of a volcanologist. The exhibit also includes video clips and related Web sites of interest.
ash disaste erupt eruption geology hazards lava magma monitoring prediction pyroclastic rocks tephra volcanic volcanism volcano
with earth eruptions science video volcanoes
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