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Paper, productivity & passion
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- Gig Guide: How to Make an Origami CD Case - by Matthew Toledo - 2/13/2005
Have you ever burned a mix CD only to have it scratched after a single trip in the car? You could buy a plastic CD holder, but they eventually crack and shatter. A lot of people take all the artwork out of the case and throw away the plastic case altogeth
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- How to do things
Main categories
How To Do Things is designed to provide users with a step by step guide to every topic under the sun. Everyone in the world is an expert on something, and for every item or process that exists there is a person that understands it fully. We're hoping to bring all that knowledge together in one place in order to make it accessible to everyone.
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- How to make an easy paper-folded box in 8 steps.
Make an easy paper-folded box in 5 minutes !!!
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- Instructables
step-by-step collaboration
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- makezine.com
MAKE: Technology on Your Time
MAKE brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life. MAKE is loaded with exciting projects that help you make the most of your technology at home and away from home. This is a magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, ...
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- paper cd case
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- PasarlasCanutas
portal de hogar bricolaje y fotos
Pasarlascanutas es un portal dedicado a temas de hogar , bricolaje y fotografía con reportajes ORIGINALES en fotos paso a paso tomadas de la vida real : PC, carpinteria, fontaneria, riego goteo,fondos pantalla de alta calidad fotos de paisajes flores rosas
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- Scratch
Home | imagine, program, share
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- SoYouWanna.com | Learn What You Wanna Do
SoYouWanna.com teaches you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school.
SoYouWanna teaches you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school. From work to wine, apartment rentals to toning your abs ... learn it all with SoYouWanna!
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- the box doodle project // boxdoodle.com
the boxddodle project at boxdoodle.com is an open art project founded by David Hofmann. David Hofmann is a german based artist, illustrator and graphic designer working as a creative director in germany
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- Uncomplicating the Complicated
Hardware Secrets
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- wikiHow - O manual do "Como Fazer" que você pode editar.
O wikiHow é um projeto de escrita colaborativa para produzir o maior manual de como fazer do mundo. Com tua edição e colaboração, podemos criar um recurso gratuito que já ajuda milhões de pessoas, oferecendo soluções práticas (...)
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