- AAFP - Health Information for Patients
Heath information and resources about illnesses, conditions and diseases provided by the organization of American Academy of Family Physicians
advice credible education health info information medical patient patients reviewed trusted trustworthy
in Public bookmarks with bookmarks patient_information by 14 users
- Advance Health Care Directives
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- Aging Solutions
aging care elder eldercare elderly parents senior spouse
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- CareGuide - eldercare
Integrated Health and Care Management Solutions
asthma cardiovascular care careguide careguidehome connect diabetes guide hypertension info infosystems patient s systems team
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- H. pylori - CDC
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- HealthAtoZ
in Public bookmarks with bookmarks patient_information by 4 users
- iHealthRecord
Build your personal health record online, log in to your online health record
electronic health ihealthrecord online personal record records
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- InteliHealth - Johns Hopkins Health Information
InteliHealth - Featuring Harvard Medical School's consumer health information. Information on symptoms and treatment for mental health, diabetes, asthma, allergy and more. Plus, health information for seniors, women, men, and children. Find out about weight management issues, drug interactions and more.
allergy awareness diabetes drug health information interactions issue management mental senior symptoms treatment weight womens
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- Kidsgrowth
Kids Growth is a resource for parenting information on newborns, infants, toddlers, preschool, schoolage, and adolescents and an Online pediatric practice management and resources for pediatric professionals.
age growth infant kids kidsgrowth managemen newborn pediatric pediatricans practice preschool professionals school toddler
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- KidsHealth - Parents Section
KidsHealths Parents section has doctor-approved, accurate, up-to-date, and jargon-free health information about children from before birth through adolescence.
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- Lab Tests Online
Lab Tests Online offers noncommercial patient education on blood, urine, and other lab tests to help health care consumers better manage their care.
blood care clinical education health healthcare info information lab laboratory management medical patient test testing tests
in Public bookmarks with bookmarks patient_information by 3 users
- Mayo Clinic Health Oasis
Mayo Clinic offers award-winning medical and health information and tools for healthy living.
clinic health information mayo medical website
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- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Information
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- Modified Epleys maneuver for benign positional vertigo
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- National Diabetes Education Program
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- OncoLink - Cancer Information
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- Pregnancy Calendar
Get the most up-to-date research-based medical information about your baby's development and what's happening to you physically and emotionally, plus tips for taking care of yourself and preparing for your baby's arrival with the Pregnancy Calendar at iVillage Pregnancy & Parenting.
baby birth calendar childbirth date due expecting giving gyn midwives morning new obstetrician parents pregnancy si trimesters
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- Rotator Cuff Exercises
Learn exercises to help strengthen your rotator cuff.
bursitis cuff impingement physical pitchers rotator shoulder subacromial swimmers syndrome tendinitis tennis therapy
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- Skin Cancer
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- The Merck Manual Home Edition
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