- Natuurmonumenten
in Public bookmarks with conservation environment nature netherlands ngo
- Non-governmental organization
2007 2008 articles august country from june la non-governmental organization organizations september statements unsourced with
in Public bookmarks with ngo reference whatis wiki wikipedia by 3 users
- Non-governmental organization
in Public bookmarks with ngo organizations reference whatis wiki wikipedia
- Non-governmental Organizations Research Guide
in Public bookmarks with directories international ngo organizations by 2 users
- Oxfam International
in Public bookmarks with activism charity international ngo organizations poverty by 2 users
- Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib strijdt voor een rechtvaardige wereld zonder armoede. Samen met mensen, organisaties, bedrijven en overheden. Via projecten en lobby. Lokaal én internationaal.
in Public bookmarks with activism charity ngo organizations poverty by 2 users
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen.
in Public bookmarks with activism business corporations globalization multinationals netherlands ngo organizations research sustainability
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen.
in Public bookmarks with globalization netherlands ngo organizations social_entrepreneurs
- Stichting Klein Verzet
in Public bookmarks with activism cycling education ngo organizations
- Stichting Natuur en Milieu
in Public bookmarks with activism environment nature netherlands ngo organizations sustainability
- Stichting Oikos
Oecumenische organisatie die zich sterk maakt voor armoedebestrijding en duurzame ontwikkeling.
in Public bookmarks with international_cooperation issues netherlands ngo organizations poverty sustainable_development
- The Club of Rome
Samenwerkingsverband van ecologen, economen en anderen die geloven dat de wereld bedreigd wordt door uitputting van grondstoffen en dat technologie en wetenschap een andere rol in de samenleving moeten spelen.
The official Website of the CLUB OF ROME: The CLUB OF ROME is a global think tank and centre of innovation and initiative. As a non-profit, non governemental organisation (NGO), it brings together scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents.
action activities club for from growth learning limits new ngo path problematique programmes rome the thinking world
in Public bookmarks with ecology energy environment international ngo organizations politics sustainability thinktanks
- Vogelbescherming Nederland
in Public bookmarks with animals birds netherlands ngo organizations
- Waddenvereniging
in Public bookmarks with activism environment nature netherlands ngo organizations water
- Wakker Dier
Campagne-organisatie met als doel het verbeteren van het welzijn van dieren in de bio-industrie en het onder de aandacht brengen van misstanden.
in Public bookmarks with activism animals clothing food netherlands ngo organizations
- Wereld Natuur Fonds
in Public bookmarks with activism animals environment international nature ngo organizations by 4 users
- WiserEarth
WiserEarth is a community directory and networking forum for organizations addressing the central issues of our day: climate change, poverty, the environment, peace, water, hunger, social justice, conservation, human rights, and more.
in Public bookmarks with activism communities directories environment ngo organizations portals social_networking sustainability wiki by 6 users
Wereld Natuur Fonds.
in Public bookmarks with conservation environment nature netherlands ngo
WWF: saving endangered species, conserving the world's most precious natural places, and reducing our impact on our only planet.
in Public bookmarks with activism animals conservation environment international ngo organizations wildlife by 4 users
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