- Livre
Open Source Software en Open Standaarden.
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in Public bookmarks with ict magazines news open_access open_source opendocument software by 2 users
- Local.Wikia
in Public bookmarks with collaboration communities local magazines news wiki wikipedia
- Logeion
Beroepsvereniging voor communicatie.
in Public bookmarks with communication marketing netherlands news organizations
- Lokale Bekendmakingen
Bekendmakingen van gemeenten uit de Staatscourant.
in Public bookmarks with government municipalities netherlands news
- Londonist
Londonist is a website about London and everything that happens in it.
in Public bookmarks with cities culture london news uk weblogs by 3 users
- Louisgray.com
in Public bookmarks with internet news technology web2.0 weblogs by 2 users
- Lower Manhattan
Information on Lower Manhattan projects.
in Public bookmarks with architecture building cities new_york news projects
- Luchtvaartnieuws
Actueel luchtvaartnieuws.
Aviation news website for The Netherlands, Belgium and The Dutch Antilles with the latest international aviation news
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in Public bookmarks with aviation news by 2 users
- Mahalo Daily
in Public bookmarks with mahalo news podcasts video by 2 users
- Managementissues.com
in Public bookmarks with business management marketing news nlp organization personal_development portals reference spiral_dynamics
- ManagementPro
in Public bookmarks with leadership management news organization personal_development portals reference
- ManagementSite
Management Kenniscentrum, Toolbox, Cases, Recensies, Artikelen, Columns.
in Public bookmarks with business career learning management news organization personal_development portals reference
- ManagementStart.nl
in Public bookmarks with management news organization personal_development portals reference
- Managersonline.nl
in Public bookmarks with e-zines management news organization personal_development portals reference by 2 users
- Maplandia News Centre
The most recent BBC World News stories plotted on a Google Map.
in Public bookmarks with bbc buzz google google_maps maps mashups news by 2 users
- MappedUp
map up your RSS feeds, on your desktop and your blog!
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in Public bookmarks with aggregators buzz maps news real-time_web rss tools visualization by 5 users
- Mashable
Weblog. Social media news and web tips.
Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. The latest web technology news, via RSS daily.
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in Public bookmarks with internet news social_media social_networking software tools web2.0 weblogs by 84 users
- MasterViews International
Information Design And PowerPoint Presentation Skills, Tools and Resources.
in Public bookmarks with news powerpoint presentations reference tips tools
- McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
in Public bookmarks with news opinion
- Mediacourant
Nieuws uit medialand.
in Public bookmarks with entertainment media news weblogs
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