Use your Oculus Quest 2 as a VR headset for your DJI Mavic drone After having my Oculus Quest 2 128GB for a little over a week I’ve started to use it for more than it’s intended to be used for. In this case, to fly my DJI Mavic drones. Since the Quest 2 runs on Android, side-loading apps is allowed. So, I got to work figuring out a way to get the job done. 2023 update: This tutorial is still working after testing it. However, this will not work with the DJI RC remote as third-party apps can’t be downloaded on to it. In theory it should work with the DJI RC Pro, DJI RC Pro Enterprise, and DJI RC Plus but we have not tested this. in Computers > Spel > Oculus Virtual Realitywith djidronemetaoculusquestrealityvirtualvr
VR Performance Tweaks & Tips | KW Studios Forum As many will have experienced, RaceRoom is very harsh on performance in VR, mostly because of the old engine hammering the CPU. I will collect some of the tweaks I learned about and explain them here, so everyone can hopefully benefit from them as well. I am very happy with the performance I have now, as I can keep 90fps with basically all the eye candy that is noticeable in VR on (even shadows!), even on race starts with 20 cars visible. This is on my 4770K @ 4.4GHz and a 1080ti, but I am mostly CPU bottlenecked, so any better CPUs will probably give even better performance, even with a slightly lesser GPU. in Computers > Sim Racing VR > Raceroomwith raceroomsettingssimracingvr