- Make Your Mobile Websites Act More Like Native Apps
As smartphone sales continue to soar, more and more developers are focusing their efforts on building applications for mobile devices. Whether it is a native application or a mobile-optimized website, mobile innovation is taking place at a breakneck pace.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with comparisons framework javascript
- Mastering Ajax, Part 1: Introduction to Ajax
Ajax, which consists of HTML, JavaScript™ technology, DHTML, and DOM, is an outstanding approach that helps you transform clunky Web interfaces into interactive Ajax applications. The author, an Ajax expert, demonstrates how these technologies work together -- from an overview to a detailed look -- to make extremely efficient Web development an easy reality. He also unveils the central concepts of Ajax, including the XMLHttpRequest object.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax javascript xmlhttprequest by 4 users
- Mastering Ajax, Part 2: Make asynchronous requests with JavaScript and Ajax
Most Web applications use a request/response model that gets an entire HTML page from the server. The result is a back-and-forth that usually involves clicking a button, waiting for the server, clicking another button, and then waiting some more. With Ajax and the XMLHttpRequest object, you can use a request/response model that never leaves users waiting for a server to respond. In this article, Brett McLaughlin shows you how to create XMLHttpRequest instances in a cross-browser way, construct and send requests, and respond to the server.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax javascript xmlhttprequest by 2 users
- Meet the JavaScript Development Toolkit
The JavaScript Development Toolkit (JSDT) is an open source plug-in that brings robust JavaScript programming tools to the Eclipse platform. JSDT streamlines development, simplifies code, and increases productivity for pure JavaScript source files and JavaScript embedded in HTML. JavaScript development isn't easy. Uneven Web browser compatibility, disappointing documentation, and weak tools compound the problem. Fortunately, the tools situation brightened with the latest release of the JavaScript Development Toolkit (JSDT), a plug-in set for Eclipse. Eclipse is an open source IDE framework with an architecture designed for expansion and flexibility. JSDT runs in Eclipse and is added as a plug-in. JavaScript on Eclipse isn't a new concept, since there is
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with development eclipse javascript jsdt programming toolkit web
- MQTT Client Package - JavaScript Language
org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.javascript.git at Github
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with download github javascript library mqtt
- Musings from Mars » Ajax/DHTML Library Scorecard
How Cross Platform Are They? A review of Ajax libraries and how compatible with different browsers they are.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax browser compatibility javascript libraries library platform by 2 users
- On jQuery & Large Applications - rmurphey
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about JavaScript applications. As my skills have evolved, I’ve had the privilege of working on more actual applications, and I’ve gotten further and further from clients who want to add a bit of Ajax or bling to an otherwise fairly traditional web site. The most interesting applications I work on are client-side intensive: the server is responsible for providing data as JSON to the client, and most everything else — templating, state management, data management, site navigation, and of course user interaction — is left to the client side.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax application comparison dojo javascript jquery web
- On Rolling Your Own - rmurphey
There’s been a lot of activity around my last post, On jQuery & Large Applications. A number of people have asked me why, exactly, I’m so opposed to using jQuery as part of a roll-your-own solution.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax comparison dojo javascript jquery
- online javascript tutorial
This online Javascript tutorial been very well received judging by the number of emails I get. JavaScript is a vast language and it is not possible to teach everything in these 35 tutorial sessions, however, we will cover most of the basics - statements commands and functions. This Javascript tutorial was written for someone who has no programming experience.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with development javascript programming tutorial
- OpenLaszlo
The OpenLaszlo platform allows developers to create applications with the rich user interface capabilities of desktop client software and the instantaneous no-download Web deployment of HTML. These applications run on all leading Web browsers on all leading desktop operating systems from a single XML code base. Earthlink, Yahoo, Behr Paint, La Quinta and any many others rely on OpenLaszlo to deliver state-of-the-art applications serving millions of users. The OpenLaszlo platform is open source and free for development and deployment.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax development html javascript web web2.0 xml xmlhttprequest by 23 users
- Particletree · Quick Guide to Prototype
An introduction to protoype JavaScript/Ajax library
Particletree is the beginning of something. This place, this collection of knowledge, is a gathering of forces, a sharpening of skills.
2.0 ajax business code css design javascript php web xhtml
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax javascript prototype web2.0 xmlhttprequest by 7 users
- PhoneGap | The Story behind Exfm
Six months ago, Exfm had a native iPhone app that was rated 4 stars in the App Store. We also had a native app in Google Play, along with an HTML5 webapp for both desktop and mobile. As a small team of six, we do most of our development in-house, but had contracted out a lot of the native mobile app work. Around this time, I sat down with Lucas Hrabovsky, CTO of Exfm to plan for the future. We looked at our native mobile apps, our Python back-end and our Javascript front-end. We thought about our hiring needs in the next 12 months. We came to the conclusion that the six of us all knew Javascript really well and moving forward we were going to build everything we could in JS. That meant node.js on the back-end and PhoneGap for mobile. Here is the story of ho
in Development > PhoneGap with html5 iphone javascript performance phonegap tips
- Physics for JavaScript
Create bouncing, spring, attraction etc effects in Javascript
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with javascript library physics toolkit
- QuirksMode for all your browser quirks
Describes how to use getSelection in various browsers
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with browser javascript
- script.aculo.us - web 2.0 javascript
script.aculo.us provides you with easy-to-use, compatible and, ultimately, totally cool JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly, Web 2.0 style.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with development drag-and-drop interactive javascript programming web by 70 users
- SitePen Blog
Dojo Tutorials from Sitepen
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with dojo howto javascript mobile sitepen tutorials
- Speed up your JavaScript, Part 4 | NCZOnline
Series of articles showing how you can speed up your JavaScript code.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with improvements javascript performance tips
- SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark
This is SunSpider, a JavaScript benchmark. This benchmark tests the core JavaScript language only, not the DOM or other browser APIs. It is designed to compare different versions of the same browser, and different browsers to each other.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with benchmark javascript performance
- Traversing DOM Tree using JavaScript
This tutorial contains an example of traversing a DOM element. It assumes a fairly good understanding of data structures, and also a fair background in JavaScript.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with dom javascript traverse tree tutorial
- Understand memory leaks in JavaScript applications
Summary: Garbage collection can be freeing. It lets us focus on application logic rather than memory management. However, garbage collection is not magic. Understanding how it works, and how it can be tricked into maintaining memory long after it should have been released, results in faster and more reliable applications. In this article, learn about a systematic approach for locating memory leaks in JavaScript applications, several common leaking patterns, and appropriate methods to address those leaks.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with javascript leaks management memory tutorial
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