Kongregate A leading online hub for players and game developers to meet up, play games, and operate together as a community. By wrapping user-submitted Flash games with various community features, Kongregate's site serves as a unique way for users to play great web-based games alongside friends. in Public bookmarkswith flashflashgamesgamersgamesgamingsocialnetworksocialwebwebgamesby 28 users
Social media studies After years of worrying about how much time freshmen spend on Facebook, schools are incorporating the study of social networking, online communities and user-contributed content into new curricula on social computing. The moves, like other academic expansions into fields like videogame design, are part of an effort to keep technology studies relevant to students' lives. in Public bookmarkswith collegefacebooksecondlifesocialmediasocialnetworkssocialwebstudywikipedia
Welcome to Conference 2.0 We've all been there: the dull business conference. A half-empty room of half-asleep attendees answer their e-mail on laptops and BlackBerries, while some hapless speaker lumbers through a PowerPoint speech. That scenario is about to change, thanks to the growing ubiquity of social media. in Public bookmarkswith conference20socialmediasocialwebtwitterunconferenceweb20