Apple TV First Impressions It's a simple device that does a basic job well... and with a lot of style, of course. Some odd interface choices and the lack of a "Buy It Now" option are frustrating, but all in all its a winner. If you don't have HD service in your neighborhood, an Apple TV may still make an HDTV set worthwhile. digg_url = ''; In a word, bliss. Now, even as an Apple fanboy, I... blogbloggerbloggingblogshawaiiweblogweblogs with appleappletvhdhdtvitunesmacpodcaststelevisiontvvideo
fortuitous "I'm a hobbyist turned designer turned developer who eventually got to quit my day job and support myself with my projects. Along the way, my business life has gotten increasingly complicated and I've had to spend hours researching accounting, the law, and usage patterns on my sites. I intend to post a new essay about some aspect of my experiences every week." with fortuitoushaugheymattmatthaugheymetafilter
From PC to TV -- via Apple "In our tests, it worked great, and we can easily recommend it for people who are yearning for a simple way to show on their big TVs all that stuff trapped on their computers. We tried it with various combinations of Windows and Mac computers, with movies, photos, TV shows, video clips and music. And we didn't even use the fastest wireless network it can handle. It performed flawlessly." with appleappletvipoditunesmactelevisiontv
Getting a lesson in retail inside world's busiest Costco The Iwilei Costco - the largest among the company's three Oahu locations - posted $300 million in sales last year. Iwilei is so busy, in fact, that it turns its entire inventory every two-and-a-half to three weeks... a logistical wonder considering most everything comes in by water. with costcohawaiiretailwalmart
Growing Up In Public What do you do when you realize how public your online life is? You could retreat into anonymity and try to ensure you leave no trace online (but increasingly there's something odd about a person who seems to leave no Google trace). Or you could say "So what?" and accept that every aspect of your online life is out there for people to find and judge as they will. with facebookgooglehistoryidentitymyspaceonlineprivacy
HawaiiGeek.TV An incurably dorky dad has launched a "lifecast" in Hawaii. Inspired by Justin.TV, he throws GPS location and other tools into the mix to share his everyday life in Honolulu. From presentations to family picnics, rush-hour traffic and lunch-hour excursions, you can join him live via streaming video. Miss the show? Check the archives. with hawaiijustintvlifecastlifecasterlifecasterslifecastinglifecastslivelivevideostreamingvideo
HTY Gets "LOST" We attended a benefit reading for the Honolulu Theatre for Youth featuring several cast members from ABC's filmed-in-Hawaii series "LOST": Matthew Fox (Jack), Terry O'Quinn (Locke), Jorge Garcia (Hurley), Daniel Dae Kim (Jin), Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond), Michael Emerson (Ben) and Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet). I dare say it was the highlight of my year so far. So what's all this about weblogs? A father, husband, and web geek in paradise tackles tech, the social web, new media, and more. hawaiiwebcam with abclostactorscelebritieslostplaystagetelevisiontheatertheatretv