- European Voice
weekly European newspaper in English with an independent stance regarding the affairs of the European Union (EU). The majority of the papers articles cover the day to day business of the EU and its interactions in domestic and international affairs. There is also an editorial and opinion section, a section for readers letters and a crossword. Each week there is a section dedicated to a single issue, which is usually topical (for example climate change) and examines the issue and its relationship with the EU. Until recently, the rear page of the paper was taken up by the "Entre Nous" column which reports on the more unusual stories of the week, often with a humorous tone. This was moved within the main body of the paper as part of a larger redesign of both p
in Europe with english europe news newspaper politics
Eurovoc is a multilingual Thesaurus, who covers all the field of activities of the EU
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries > multidirectional with *dictionaries-glossaries *german-learning energy environment europe multidirectional multilingual politics thesaurus
- Gerhard Schick - MdB
Bundestagsabgeordneter der Grünen, Finanzpolitischer Sprecher
in Europe > politicians with germany green politics
- Heide Rühle
member of European Parliament, consumer politics
in Europe > politicians with consumer_protection delegate eu europe green parliament politics
rightist weekly Italian newspaper
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages italian news newspaper politics by 4 users
- Isabelle Durant
membre de parlament european, belge deputee, belge verts AKP-EU delegation
in Europe > politicians with belgium delegate eu europe french green parliament politics
- Jan Philipp Albrecht,
MdEP ::..delegate European parliament
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green internet parliament politics
- Janez Potocnik
commissioner of the EU for environment
in Europe > politicians with commission environment eu europe politics
- Les eurodéputés Europe Écologie
Europe Écologie = French electoral coalition created for the 2009 European elections composed of The Greens and other ecologists and regionalists. The coalition was launched with the support of the European Greens and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Franco-German MEP but running in France in 2009. coalition has received the support of Cécile Duflot, José Bové and Dominique Voynet amongst others. record 16.28% of the vote in the European elections, the coalition maintained itself to participate in the 2010 regional elections. Europe Écologie = nom donné aux listes du rassemblement de la mouvance écologiste en France pour les élections UE de 2009. ;
in Europe with europe france green party politics
- les Euronautes
communauté jeunes qui bougent en Europe ! initiative conjointe du gouvernement français et de la Commission européenne avec le Parlement européen.
* fonctionnement de l’UE et les politiques pour les jeunes (éducation, formation, culture, etc.),
* l’actualité européenne (articles, entretiens, photos), * pratiques pour préparer son départ (choisir son programme européen d’aide à la mobilité, son pays de destination), * conseils pour séjour d’étude, stage, poste de volontaire ou d’apprenti
* web-radio : programmation musicale originale, des chroniques, reportages et des « bons plans »
* Club: profils, témoignages, photos et vidéos, questions et conseils , expériences de mobilité
in Europe with culture europe politics youth
- Les Verts
in environment with environment france french green party politics
- Libero ...it
weekly rightist Italian newspaper
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages italian media news newspaper politics by 2 users
- Malika Benarab-Attou
member of european parliament, french greens
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
- Martin Schulz
MdEP Vorsitzender der Sozialistischen Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament
in Europe > politicians with eu europe parliament politician politics
- Michael Cramer
Europaabgeordneten Michael Cramer!
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
- Michèle RIVASI , MEP french green
environmental comitee of european parliament
in Europe > politicians with delegate environment eu green parliament politics
- Monica Frassoni
President of the European Green Party
in Europe with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
- Nicole Kiil-Nielsen,
députée européenne écologiste française
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
- Rebecca Harms
member of European parliament, European green party, ENVI environmental comitee of EP
in Europe > politicians with climate delegate environment eu europe green parliament politics
- Reinhard Bütikofer
delegate of european parliament, European green party
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
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