- Bärbel Höhn
in Europe > politicians with delegate germany green politics by 2 users
- Bärbel Höhn, MdB
in environment with climate-change delegate environment germany green parliament by 2 users
- Caroline Lucas
Green MEP for the South East Region of England
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
- Claude Turmes
MdEP Grüne/EFA Ausschuss für Industrie, Forschung und Energie ( Koordinator) Stellvertretendes Mitglied Verbraucherschutz
in Europe > politicians with consumer_protection delegate energy eu europe green parliament politics
- Daniel Cohn-Bendit
leader of european green party
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green parliament politics
belgish green party , french + german region
in Europe with belgium green party politics
- Europe Écologie - Les Verts
est un parti politique écologiste français, créé le 13 novembre 2010[1], issu du rassemblement des Verts et d'autres membres de l'alliance Europe Écologie. Il revendique 13 000 adhérents[2],[
in Europe with france green party politics by 2 users
- Europe Ecologie : le débat
in Europe with france green party
- Europe Ecologie les verts
Le 13 novembre 2010, en congrès national à Lyon, Les Verts et Europe Écologie décident de fusionner et de créer une nouvelle structure politique, du nom d'Europe Écologie - Les Verts
in Europe with france green party politics by 2 users
- European Green party
in environment with environment green party politics
- Gerhard Schick - MdB
Bundestagsabgeordneter der Grünen, Finanzpolitischer Sprecher
in Europe > politicians with germany green politics
- Heide Rühle
member of European Parliament, consumer politics
in Europe > politicians with consumer_protection delegate eu europe green parliament politics
- Isabelle Durant
membre de parlament european, belge deputee, belge verts AKP-EU delegation
in Europe > politicians with belgium delegate eu europe french green parliament politics
- Jan Philipp Albrecht,
MdEP ::..delegate European parliament
in Europe > politicians with delegate eu europe green internet parliament politics
- Jill Evans MEP
comitee for the environment at the European parliament
in Europe > politicians with delegate environment eu green parliament
- karmakonsum.de
LOHAS-portal: Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability, was etwa bedeutet: "Ausrichtung der Lebensweise auf Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit".
in environment with consumer environment green
- Kerstin Andreae MdB
Sprecherin für Wirtschaftspolitik der Grünen
in Europe > politicians with germany green parliament politician
- Les eurodéputés Europe Écologie
Europe Écologie = French electoral coalition created for the 2009 European elections composed of The Greens and other ecologists and regionalists. The coalition was launched with the support of the European Greens and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Franco-German MEP but running in France in 2009. coalition has received the support of Cécile Duflot, José Bové and Dominique Voynet amongst others. record 16.28% of the vote in the European elections, the coalition maintained itself to participate in the 2010 regional elections. Europe Écologie = nom donné aux listes du rassemblement de la mouvance écologiste en France pour les élections UE de 2009. ;
in Europe with europe france green party politics
- Les Verts
in environment with environment france french green party politics
- lohas.de
LOHAS-portal: Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability, was etwa bedeutet: "Ausrichtung der Lebensweise auf Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit".
in environment with consumer environment green
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