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  • Codex Alimentarius: Big Brother's Plan to Control Health Supplements (Jan. 15, 2009)
    Jan. 15, 2009. If Codex standards ever replace the current laws in the U.S. governing food and dietary supplements, it will affect not just Americans' right to choose supplements, but our right to grow crops with untampered seeds, to buy pure organic food, and to live free of the tyranny of Big Agro-Chem-Pharma-Med, through health-destructive FDA rules enacted and enforced by a pro-corporate government that cares nothing about our health freedom. In other words, the "natural health" industry will perish. Now more than ever, we must exercise our democratic duty and be vigilant in protecting that freedom, the health and survival of the Earth, and all her creatures and citizenry.
    in Bad News with 2009 codex governing jan laws replace standards u.s
  • Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies!
    Jan. 10, 2002. Is it possible to clear chemtrails from the sky? Don Croft originally had set up a new device called the CHEMBUSTER outside on a chemtrail-overcast day with the pipes pointing straight up and sure enough, after a while, the chemtrails started to break up revealing blue sky above. The longer he left the Chembuster in place, the clearer the sky got, eventually covering an area out to 90 miles. He later improved the Chembuster design and got the coverage to extend out to 120 miles. A man named Rick from the Los Angeles area timed how long it took his Chembuster to disperse overhead Chemtrails and posted his photos to the Don's original Cloudbuster chat forum (now defunct). Amazingly, the area immediately above Rick's Chembuster transformed f...
    in Health & Medical with 2002 chemtrails clear croft don jan possible sky by 2 users

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