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  • Cheat Sheet Round-Up Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby… | Smashing Magazine
    Whether you’ve forgotten the name of a function or the property of a cascading style sheet - handy cheat sheets deliver the information you are looking for - immediately. Most cheat sheets are available as .pdf or .png-files, so you can print them and use them every day for whatever projects you’re currently working on. We present an extensive overview of useful cheat sheets we’ve found in the Web. Something is missing? Don’t hesistate to comment!
    Whether you’ve forgotten the name of a function or property cascading style sheet - handy cheat sheets deliver information you are looking for immediately. Most
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  • Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers
    Lets face it, unless you have a photographic memory, no developer can remember all the different functions, options, tags, etc. that exist. Documentation can be cumbersome at times, thats why I like cheat sheets. They are quick references that feature the most commonly forgotten things on a specific topic. You can print them out and hang them on your wall, or just keep them handy in your bookmarks for quick reference. I have rounded up over 30 cheatsheets that developers might find useful. Web Development Cheat Sheets * JavaScript * CSS * CSS * Hex Codes * HTML * XHTML * HTML Entities Databases / SQL Cheat Sheets * MySQL * MySQL * Oracle * SQL * Sybase Language Cheat Sheets * ColdFusion - work in progress
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  • new earth online / Dynamic Sortable Lists in Scriptaculous
    Sometimes it can really be useful to let a user sort a list of items, and this can easily be done using Scriptaculous, but when it comes to being able to sort dynamically updated lists it can get a little more complicated. Scriptaculous is an excellent Javascript library created by Thomas Fuchs of Wollzelle, and expands upon many functions such as those define in the Prototype library. One of the features of Scriptaculous is it's ability to allow users to sort lists by dragging and dropping the list items within the confines of a container (the ul). This isn't just confined to ul's and ol's though - you can also use it on any element you chose. One thing that is not particularly easy without some thought however is to create a list that is sortable, that ca
    New Earth Online offers a range of articles that covers tutorials on various aspects of Webpage development, general programming, and reviews of different products.
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  • Top 119 Cheat Sheets » Web Developer Lists eConsultant
    Ajax * What’s Ajax? Cheat Sheet * Prototype Cheat Sheet * Scriptaculous Combination Effects Cheat Sheet Apache * Apache Cheat Sheet * Apache 1.3 Quick Reference Card - PDF Java * Java 1.5 Cheat Sheet * Java Quick Reference - PDF JSP * JSP 2.0 XML Cheat Sheet MySQL * MySQL Cheat Sheet - PDF * MySQL Cheat Sheet - PNG * MySQL Cheat Sheet * SQL Cheatsheet * MySQL Quick Reference Card Oracle * Oracle PL/SQL Cheatsheet Ruby * Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet - PNG * Ruby quick reference * Ruby Cheatsheet * Threadeds Ruby Cheat Sheet * Ruby on Rails - ActiveRecord Relationships Cheat Sheet * Ruby on Rails - Form Helpers Cheat Sheet * Ruby on Rails - What Goes Where? Cheat Sheet
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