- Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005: A Country Study
Paper on opennetinitiative.net. Links to other studies on Internet Filtering in Bahrain,Burma, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates * ONI Country Studies See also the Economist article "The party, the people and the power of cyber-talk"
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- Is Design Dead?
For many that come briefly into contact with Extreme Programming, it seems that XP calls for the death of software design. Not just is much design activity ridiculed as "Big Up Front Design", but such design techniques as the UML, flexible frameworks, and even patterns are de-emphasized or downright ignored. In fact XP involves a lot of design, but does it in a different way than established software processes. XP has rejuvenated the notion of evolutionary design with practices that allow evolution to become a viable design strategy. It also provides new challenges and skills as designers need to learn how to do a simple design, how to use refactoring to keep a design clean, and how to use patterns in an evolutionary style.
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- Java Morse Code Translator
The Java Morse code translator translates to and from Morse code and can play the Morse to you as sound. It runs on your computer and therefore is very quick. You have full control over the speed, pitch and volume of the sounds. CGI Morse Code Translator
Morse code translator written in Java. The translator can translate to and from Morse code and can play the sound of the Morse code to you. The speed, pitch and volume of the sound are all fully adjustable.
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- Kahlil Gibran The Prophet
Comprehensive site about Kahlil Gibran.
Find Jesus Christ, Kahlil The Prophet and more at Kahlil.org. Get the best of The Prophet Kahlil Gibran or Gibran Little Book Of Love, browse our section on Kahlil Gibran Marriage Blessings or learn about Kahlil Gibran. Kahlil.org is the site for Jesus Christ.
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Download videos from Google, Youtube, iFilm, Putfile, Metacafe, DailyMotion!
Download and save videos directly from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, Putfile and more. Simply copy and paste.
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- Language Hat
This blog is called Language Hat and it deals with many issues of a linguistic flavor <lingua>
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- Language is a virus.
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Overcome writer's block with creative writing games, widgets & writing prompts to inspire your creativity! Poetry generator, character name generator, cut up machine...
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- Latin <-> English Dictionary
+ other Latin Resources on the Web
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- Light Blue Touchpaper » Ignoring the “Great Firewall of China”
It turns out [caveat: in the specific cases we’ve closely examined, YMMV] that the keyword detection is not actually being done in large routers on the borders of the Chinese networks, but in nearby subsidiary machines. When these machines detect the keyword, they do not actually prevent the packet containing the keyword from passing through the main router (this would be horribly complicated to achieve and still allow the router to run at the necessary speed). Instead, these subsiduary machines generate a series of TCP reset packets, which are sent to each end of the connection. When the resets arrive, the end-points assume they are genuine requests from the other end to close the connection — and obey. Hence the censorship occurs.
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Here shall, in time, be a site which will I hope be of some genuine use to people who want to make ancient and medieval armour of various sorts. For the moment, I have just two sections. Choose, point, click.
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- Mao Tse Tung: On Guerrilla Warfare — Ch 5
Four points must be considered under this subject. These are: How are guerrilla bands formed? How are guerrilla bands organized? What are the methods of arming guerrilla bands? What elements constitute a guerrilla band? These are all questions pertaining to the organization armed guerrilla units; they are questions which those who had no experience in guerilla hostilities do not understand and on which they can arrive at no sound decisions; indeed, they would not know in what manner to begin.
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International Real Estate, Expatriate resources, Resources for Americans fleeing America, Search the largest expatriate database of embassies, international jobs & offshore financial services web sites.
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- Maps, Weather, and Airports of the World
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- MeFi: War in Spaaaaaaaacccccce!
A practical discussion of weapons that would work in space and orbital combat.
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Note: see also: http://www.netvouz.com/click/8277464559938495960?url=http://www.projectrho.com/rocket/index.html
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- MetaFilter - Soviet Era Art
Metafilter's own Fake, Dan Reetz, recently spent several months in the former Soviet Union; while there he managed to round up this great selection of Soviet Movie posters from 1921-1973, as well as this interesting 1952 set of food drawings from the government produced book "Tasty & Healthy Eating." Finally, bonus content for anyone jonesing for more soviet content, this Russian Winnie the Pooh cartoon from the 1970s is fantastic.
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- Military Leadership - Recent
Leadership and the military are practically inseparable. Military leadership and leadership development are foundational concepts for Army personnel. It permeates military culture beginning with every recruit learning the leadership-oriented Warrior Ethos to the leader development programs offered to the Army’s general officers. It is no surprise, then, that SSI conducts research on military leadership, leadership development, and the military culture. Dr. Leonard Wong is our military leadership specialist.
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