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in Public bookmarks with linglang poland utils by 2 users
- Hide data in files with easy steganography tools - Lifehacker
Unlike encryption, which obscures data in such a way that it's obvious someone's keeping something from listeners-in (and therefore heightens interest in that info), stego techniques offer no hint to the outsider that there's any private data contained within the visible file. Like hiding your valuables from burglars in an empty cereal box in your kitchen cabinet, steganography keeps the existence of the secret item from everyone but those in the know.
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography utils
- How Many of Me - How many have your name?
There are 299,968,595 people in the United States of America. The U.S. Census Bureau statistics tell us that there are at least 88,799 different last names and 5,163 different first names in common use in the United States. Some names are more common than others. There are 49,535 people named John Smith in the United States. There are 1,048 people named James Bond, 113 people named Harry Potter , 503 people named George Bush, and 31 people named Emily Dickinson. However, Johnny Cash (39 people) songs aside there are, statistically speaking, no boys named Sue. What about you? How many people share your name? Enter it and find out how many of you there are.
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in Public bookmarks with fun net utils by 2 users (all private)
- How to Read Music - wikiHow
# Study the staff. There are five lines and four spaces, each of which represents a single note. The space above or below any given line corresponds to the note above or below it on the scale. # Identify the clef. The first symbol written on a staff (the five lines on which the notes are written) is the clef, and it tells you which lines and spaces on the staff correspond with which notes. The two most common clefs are the treble clef and the bass clef.
in Public bookmarks with audio utils
- How to Write a Good Tutorial at BlenderNation
A few weeks ago I posted an article called 'How to Produce a Good Video Tutorial' in which I summed up a few things that you should keep in mind when creating, well, a video tutorial. If you're more interested in working on written material, then check out this checklist on kingtuts.blogspot.com. From the site: Tutorials can be on almost any subject. All a tutorial does is teach someone something new. Tutorials can be on how to create a cool gadget, how to program in a certain language, how to set up a feature for a web page, how to ride a horse, how to meet girls, or anything else that someone might want to learn. This is a guide to writing good tutorials (ones that will get accepted on this site.) Writing a good tutorial is easy and fun as long as
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- Imagination Cubed - Interesting way to quickly and easily draw things. You can also send and save them.
in Public bookmarks with design net utils w2 by 7 users
- IP check
START TEST! Please click here to start the full anonymity test IP check and see all results. START TEST! Please click here to start the full anonymity test IP check and see all results. Make the anonymity test for your Tor/Torbutton or JonDonym/JonDoFox configuration! Visit this IP check regularly to see which new tests have been added meanwhile.
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography net utils by 3 users
Note: http://forum.zebulon.fr/astuce-testez-votre-anonymit-sur-la-toile-t185894.html
- LH Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions - Lifehacker
If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it's Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we've tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves. Narrowing the huge field of available add-ons down to the ten best was quite a challenge. Your Firefox extension choices have everything to do with your needs, but the ten add-ons you'll find in the following pages are highly-evolved, robust and have proven their usefulness over and over.
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- List anonymous wikipedia edits from interesting organizations
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- OEDb: The Best Online Research Apps/Sites You've Never Heard Of: ---------------------------
Artcyclopedia. BioMedCentral Digital History. FindArticles.com. INFOMINE. Internet History Sourcebooks. Internet Public Library. Intute. Librarians Internet Index. Library of Congress. Perseus Digital Library. Project Gutenberg. Research Guide for Students. U.S. Government Manual.
Try out these research sites and applications you may be unfamiliar with the next time you're writing a research paper.
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- phydeaux3: Code for New Blogger Tag Cloud / Label Cloud
Due to overwhelming demand (ok, it was one person) I've gone ahead and wrote up the code and explanations on how to setup and use the highly desireable Label Cloud for New Blogger. Because everyone wants a tag cloud for Blogger. I think everything is correct there, but if you try to set it up and run into any problems I blame Avatar. :-) I've set the page up off-site since I don't feel like mucking with code in the Blogger post editor at the moment. And if you have any questions feel free to ask. Pay close attention to the BACKUP YOUR TEMPLATE before proceding notice. Here's the link to the setup and instructions... New Blogger Tag Cloud / Label Cloud Setup and Instructions One thing I might add, the cloud is done with javascript so it will only display whe
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in Public bookmarks with computer tutorial utils
- The Graffiti Creator - Generate your own graffiti texts online
Select the font you like best and click the image or the load button to start. Once loaded you can start typing in texts and see how the program generates pure magic for you, use various tools to further enhance your text to reach maximum look 'n feel of true Graffiit art. It's free, it's cool, it's been around since 2001! /The Graffiti Creators
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