Freeman J. Dyson Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton New Jersey 08540 Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 51, No. 3, July 1979 (c) 1979 American Physical Society Quantitative estimates are derived for three classes of phenomena that may occur in an open cosmological model of Friedmann type. (1) Normal physical processes taking place with very long time-scales. (2) Biological processes that will result if life adapts itself to low ambient temperatures according to a postulated scaling law. (3) Communication by radio between life forms existing in different parts of the universe. The general conlusion of the analysis is that an open universe need not evolve into a state of permanent quiescence. Life and communication can continue for ever, utilizing a finit
in Public bookmarks with astronautics economylogy evo evolution science
- University of Bath - Empathic Painting
Interactive stylization using observed emotional state
Empathic Painting: A digital painting that reacts in real-time to the perceived emotional state of the viewer
empathic facs non-photorealistic npr painterly painting rendering segmentation
in Public bookmarks with art science
- What Is "The Matrix"? Introduction to Post-Functional Music Analysis: Set Theory, The Matrix, and the Twelve-Tone Method
<<mathematics>> The essential part of this essay to read in order to understand the purpose of the Set Analyzer is The Basics of Atonal Theory. The essential parts of this essay to read in order to understand the purpose of the Matrix Generator are The Twelve-Tone Method, and The Matrix. Combinatoriality is discussed under Advanced Techniques. The essential part of this essay to read in order to understand the purpose of the Contour Analyzer is Contour Analysis. However, I recommend reading the entire document, especially if you aren't familiar with twentieth-century music. Easy Navigation of this Document: * The Basics of Atonal Theory 1. Pitch Class Equivalence 2. Pitch-Class Set Equivalence 3. Finding a Set's Prime Form
in Public bookmarks with art audio computer science
- What is Good Science?
Disclaimer: This is a gross generalization of what science is about; science is actually much more complex than how it is described here, but this will give you a basic background if you need it. 1) Science is a human endeavor. Scientists are all human, with the typical faults and foibles that non-scientists have. Sociology, politics, psychology, and similar aspects of human nature all have a profound influence on how science is conducted.
in Public bookmarks with science tutorial
- WorldChanging - Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future
An online publication covering tools, models, and ideas for building a better future.
activism blog bright development environment environmental environmentalism environmentalist green leapfrog leapfrogging new
in Public bookmarks with blogs design economylogy science by 18 users
- YouTube Thorium Remix 2009 - LFTR in 16 Minutes
Weapon-free atomic power.
see also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_IV_reactor#Very-high-temperature_reactor_.28VHTR.29 Fission reactors by moderator Water Pressurized (PWR) · Boiling (BWR) · Supercritical (SCWR) · Heavy (PHWR · CANDU · SGHWR) Carbon Pebble bed (PBMR) · Very high temperature (VHTR) · UHTREX · RBMK · Magnox · AGR FLiBe Molten salt (MSR) None (Fast) Breeder (FBR) · Liquid-metal-cooled (LMFR) · Integral (IFR) · Traveling Wave (TWR) · SSTAR Generation IV by coolant: (Gas (GFR) · Lead (LFR) · Sodium (SFR))
in Public bookmarks with design economylogy science video
- YouTube: Jeff Han on TED Talks
This is awesome! No need to pick a command like strech, scale, tilt, modify or rotate; it's just simple gestures... So Bill, you gonna post a response vid? BTW, do you know where I can get one these? he kept saying that there is no interface, what a lie, the MULTI-TOUCH sensor is an interface! (Also the Google Earth-like program had a GUI bar at the top) But aside from that little thing, three words sum it all up: I want that! Meh! There clearly is an interface. A) One does get a closer look a t a photograph by rubbing it. It may be simple but its far from natural. B) In the Google Earth style app there were BUTTONS! There is OBVIOUSLY still an interface. Having to learn a huge list of gestures will make it little better than an ancient CLI system.
www.paikia.com Jeff Han is a research scientist for NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Here, he demonstrates—for the first time publicly—his i...
han jeff ted
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