- Dust Flux Monitor DFM
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Comets and Asteroids > Stardust NExT - Comet Tempel 1 2/14/11 with asteroids astronomy comets conrad earth next spacecraft stardust
- Electron Experiment (ERNIE)
Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku, Finland
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Sun > SOHO - In Orbit with astronomy conrad laboratory orbit research soho spacecraft sun
- Energetic Particle (EPAC)
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Sun > Ulysses - Mission Ended 6/09 with astronomy conrad energetic orbit particle spacecraft sun ulysses
- esa Site
The Russian mission Phobos-Grunt has been given high priority among the list of national planetary programmes to be carried out within the next decade.
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mars > Phobos-Grunt - Launch Failed 12/11 with 2009 astronomy conrad launch mars phobos-grunt russian spacecraft
- ESA Site
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mercury > BepiColumbo Launch April 2018 with 2013 astronomy bepicolombo bepicolumbo conrad launch mercury spacecraft by 3 users
- ESA Site
Venus Express
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Venus > Venus Express - Mission Ended 12/2014 with astronomy conrad express orbit spacecraft venus
- ESA Site
ESA's Cassini-Huygens website features news, status reports on the mission, images, videos, live streaming and much more! The Huygens mission is the ESA-provided element of the international Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan jointly developed by NASA and ESA. The primary scope of the mission is to descend through the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, making m
cassini exploration huygens mission saturn space titan
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Saturn- Cassini in Orbit Since 6/04 with astronomy cassini conrad orbit saturn site spacecraft by 2 users
- ESA Site
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Comets and Asteroids > Rosetta - Soft Land and End 9/30/16 > Orbiter - @ comet 5/14 with 2nd asteroids astronomy comets conrad earth rosetta spacecraft
- ESA Site
Herschel Mission Area
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes > Herschel (Infrared) - In Orbit (L2) with astronomy conrad herschel mission spacecraft telescopes
- ESA Site
ESA's official Mars Express website features the latest news and status reports on Europe's spacecraft orbiting around Mars. See the latest images of Mars taken by Mars Express' instruments!
agency beagle camera esa european express high hrsc lander life mars martian resolution space surface water
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mars > Express - In Orbit Since 12/03 with astronomy conrad express mars orbit site spacecraft by 2 users
- ESA's Aurora - Launch March 2016
ESA has taken a further step in preparing for participation in Mars Sample Return (MSR), the landmark mission to return samples from the Red Planet, with the announcement of the next phase of industrial activity.
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mars with astronomy conrad mars participation preparing spacecraft step taken
- ESA's ExoMars - Launch March 2016
ExoMars is the first Aurora Flagship mission to be assessed. Its aim is to further characterise the biological environment on Mars in preparation for robotic missions and then human exploration. Data from the mission will also provide invaluable input for broader studies of exobiology - the search for life on other planets.
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mars with astronomy aurora conrad exomars flagship mars mission spacecraft
Launched 1995
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Sun > SOHO - In Orbit with 1995 astronomy conrad launched orbit soho spacecraft sun by 7 users
- Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS)
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes > Webb (infrared) - Launch October 2018 with astronomy conrad guidance infrared launch spacecraft telescopes webb
- Fourier Spectrometer PFS
The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) orbiting Mars on ESA
s Mars Express works by breaking down light into a spectrum of individual wavelengths, in the same way that a glass prism converts white sunlight into a rainbow of its component colours. Instead of the light we see, PFS is built to study a range of radiation from short wavelength infrared just beyond the threshold of the human eye up to longer infrared – which is the heat radiation we feel with the nerve endings in our skin. PFS covers the widest infrared range of any instrument ever to orbit Mars or the Earth.
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mars > Express - In Orbit Since 12/03 with astronomy conrad express fourier mars orbit planetary spacecraft
- Framing Camera
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Comets and Asteroids > Dawn - In Orbit at Ceres with asteroids astronomy comets conrad dawn framing launched spacecraft
- FUSE (ultraviolet) - Shut Down 10/07
Homepage for FUSE, the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. FUSE is a NASA-supported astronomy mission, developed by The Johns Hopkins University, to explore the Universe using the technique of high-resolution spectroscopy in the far-ultraviolet spectral region.
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes with astronomy conrad far fuse homepage spacecraft telescopes ultraviolet
- GALEX (ultraviolet) - Mission Ended 2012?
Caltech's Galaxy Evolution Explorer public homepage. GALEX will measure the history of star formation in the Universe, 80% of the way back to the Big Bang.
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in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes with astronomy conrad galex orbit spacecraft telescopes ultraviolet by 3 users
- Galileo
Impact Sep 21 '03
The Solar System Exploration website is a one-stop shop for planetary information published by NASA's Science Mission Directorate.
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in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Jupiter with astronomy conrad impact jupiter sep spacecraft by 3 users
- Galileo
in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Jupiter with animations astronomy conrad jupiter spacecraft
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