- 118 - Online Communities Map (Not For Navigation) « Strange Maps
Somewhat in the style of a treasure map, this ‘Map of Online Communities’ shows MySpace, Wikipedia, SecondLife and other user-generated phenomena now populating the internet. The geography is not as random as one could assume at first glance. Area and position are significant. Thus, each community’s geographic area represents its estimated size, and the ‘compass-shaped island’ gives clues as to what each quarter signifies: * North are more ‘practical’ communities, * South is for the ‘intellectuals’. * West lie the communities with a ‘real life’ connection, * East those with a focus on the web itself.
in Public bookmarks with computer geostrategy map net by 2 users
- How to Virtualize Your Workforce - wikiHow
Enterprise Mobility: The ability for an enterprise to communicate with suppliers, partners, employees, assets, products, and customers irrespective of location. <<management>>
in Public bookmarks with biz computer design economylogy geostrategy by 3 users
- In 1981 Avalon Hill made a board game on the topic titled "The Peter Principle Game."
in Public bookmarks with biz economylogy gaming geostrategy by 2 users
- In 1981 Avalon Hill made a board game on the topic titled "The Peter Principle Game."
in Public bookmarks with biz economylogy gaming geostrategy by 2 users
- O'Reilly Radar: Worldwide Social Network Market Share
Via Azeem Azaar's twitter feed, a great visualization of worldwide social network market share, from Le Monde:
in Public bookmarks with facebook geostrategy graph map opensocial
- Vinterwebb » “Internet är bara en fluga”
Aftonbladet idag: Facebook - en övergående trend Krönikör Anders Westgårdh skriver att han är trött på facebook och att folk kommer att ha tröttnat på det där tramset. IDG idag: Facebook kan göra anställda mer produktiva Gartner-analytikern Peter Sondergaard menar att det är fel att vartannat företag blockerar facebookanvändning på jobbet och att facebook och andra liknande sajter istället kan underlätta och öka personalens kommunikationsmöjligheter och kreativitet.
in Public bookmarks with biz facebook geostrategy
- Why is open acess so succesfull? Stigrmegic organisation & the economics of information
0612071.pdf (application/pdf Object)
in Public bookmarks with biz economylogy geostrategy p2p by 2 users
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