- Google Jumps Head First Into Web Services With Google App Engine
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- Ning: OpenSocial is Less About Silly Apps | Epicenter from Wired.com
If you've ventured anywhere near a tech news outlet this morning, you know that Google is preparing to launch an open social networking platform (of sorts) called Open Social. The search giant and its APIs are definitely on the warpath to secure Facebook's app developers, but after the stakes are raised and the dust settles one has to wonder -- will future apps involve fewer food fights and more professional tasks ?
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- Salesforce and LinkedIn - OpenSocial Means Better Business-Centric Apps and Services | Epicenter from Wired.com
With Salesforce and LinkedIn both named as "hosts" for Google's new OpenSocial APIs, the question on many minds seems to be what changes, if any, will customers see at the respective companies over the next few months. Indeed, Google is giving its OpenSocial partners the freedom to call the shots, more or less, so we checked in with representatives from LinkedIn and Salesforce to see what, precisely, OpenSocial will mean for their end users. Turns out, we heard pretty much the same thing: the open set of APIs will not only mean better business and professional apps/services, but more of them. Strong emphasis on business and professional.
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