- A Feminist Perspective on Transsexuality
a feminist re-thinks her anti-trans position
A feminist essay that opposes transgendered and transsexual persons.
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- Allucquére Rosanne Stone / Sandy Stone
a wealth of transgender theory/theory links...need to email about the broken 'non-trans writing about trans' link
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in schools > Anthro Vis Comm with anthropology theory trans transgender by 2 users
- Allucquére Rosanne Stone / Sandy Stone
a wealth of transgender theory/theory links...need to email about the broken 'non-trans writing about trans' link
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- Deep Stealth Productions, Inc.
Andrea James & Calpernia Addams' website
Deep Stealth Productions produces film, television, music, online and live staged content.
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- eminism.org - Welcome
whoaaaa...so much stuff to read.
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- History - Anne Serene's Trans Reference Site
awesome site with a billion links - religion, feminism, history, legal, etc.
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- Trans-Academics.org: Home
amazing. my head is exploding with theory and information and a generally overwhelming wealth of scholarly knowledge. aaaaah!
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"an installation that intervenes in public space to break down assumptions of gender"
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- Gianna E. Israel Gender Library
Review of Transgender Care
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- Lulu.com
Transgender Studies...you can print your own stuff here!!!!
Find, shop and buy books at Lulu.com where anyone can publish and sell books.
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- Odd Ones Out
A documentary made over the course of 4 years about 3 trans teens living in NYC (in production).
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- Outreach
Renaissance's info about panels/public speaking
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- Tam's Transgender Research
journal notes about papers written, etc.
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- The IFGE Conference
Conference Central April 5-8 2006
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- Transgendered Glossary
terms, links to other glossaries
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- 'The Issue of Passing'
essay, missing a few elements, but has some interesting ideas
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- foucault transsexual - Google Book Search
Foucault and Transsexualism...books that might help
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- sandystone.com
Jacob Hale's Rules for Non-Trans Writing About Trans
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- Survivor Project
Intersex & Trans Basics
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- Housing - trans students
Susanne Ferrin is currently the Director of Residence Life at Philadelphia University. Prior to that she has worked in Housing and Residence Life at Temple University, the College of Notre Dame, Gettysburg College and Carnegie Mellon. Susanne can be reached at ferrins@PhilaU.edu.
Relife.Net provides information about the college and residential experience to students, parents, and staff who work in housing and residential life offices on college campuses.
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