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- A tour of the PHP.INI configuration file, part 1
Learn to edit the php.ini file to suit your needs. This configuration file lets you alter many aspects of PHP's behavior, including setting file paths and directories, changing session and database parameters, and activating extensions.
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- A tour of the PHP.INI configuration file, part 2
The first part of this article introduced you to the php.ini file. This second part goes deeper, covering topics such as how to activate PHP's extensions, setting resource limits for your PHP scripts, and altering configuration variables on the fly through a PHP script.
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- A-Prompt Project
A-Prompt is a software program designed to ensure web sites are accessible to all visitors. The program not only provides web builders with a way of testing sites for accessibility barriers, it also provides simple solutions for repairing most problems.
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A-Prompt is a software program designed to ensure web sites are accessible to all visitors. The program not only provides web builders with a way of testing sites for accessibility barriers, it also provides simple solutions for repairing most problems.
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Help search engines index your website. Let A1 Sitemap Generator create your HTML and XML sitemaps, upload sitemaps and ping search engines. Automate all sitemap generator tools.
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Online news, breaking news, feature stories and more
Get breaking national and world news, broadcast video coverage, and exclusive interviews. Find the top news online at ABC news.
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ABC.es, periódico digital líder en España, ofrece noticias en español sobre el país y el resto del mundo. Toda la informacion y servicios. Directo de las Elecciones generales 2008.
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- AbilityNet - Adapting Technology Changing Lives
Adapting technology changing lives. AbilityNet is a national charity helping disabled adults and children use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology
Adapting technology changing lives. AbilityNet is a national charity helping disabled adults and children use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology
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Aboogy is a free, new, innovative, fully customizable Internet startpage and personal bookmark manager. It's a startpage for everyone.
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