Search is the Internet OS! Social media sentiment analysis - Clinton and Obama A myriad of Internet sentiment analysis applications are emerging such as monitoring blogs for coverage, tone polarity and semantic categorization of pretty much anything from consumer brands, to products and services, events, generic entities and of course individuals including celebrities and politicians. with analysisbuzzclintoninternetmanagementmonitoringobamaonlinereputationsentiment
Search is the Internet OS! Lijit redesign - Who's Being Searched Right Now? Lijit redesign - Who's Being Searched Right Now? Lijit redesigned their home page in the past days, giving it a “more open, roomy, and serene feeling”, “all the same functionality without the clutter”, according to the Lijit blog. You can still check out the old lijit home page from the Google cache and the new one as of this morning. with lijitsearcsocial
Web 2.0 People Search Engines Web 2.0 People Search Engines If Web 1.0 was about linking information then Web 2.0 is really about linking people as pointed out by Mills Davis from Project10. The social network phenomenon is creating an unprecedented and growing amount of buzz and is already channeling significant amounts of traffic around. IceRocket Blog Trends reports about 400 posts a day referring to the phrase "social network". Nielsen BuzzMetrics Blogpulse shows an increase of 200% in 6 months from 0.015% blog share of voice in March 2007 to over 0.045% in September 2007. with 2.03.0peoplesearchsocialweb
Article presenting 3 options for Google to get into the OS layer Excellent article predicting Google will start becoming more aggressive after Microsoft Vista picks up more search usage because search is so much convenience-based. Emre Sokullu (edited by Richard MacManus) presents 3 approaches to a GoogleOS: A web base Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus. There's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality - but despite that, it is one of the most talked about Web products. People can't stop discussing it - and even imagining screenshots for it! Seems like everyone expects Google to get into direct competition with Microsoft, by releasing an operating system. However Google ref with engineisoperatingossearchsystemthe
Quintura Search Engine gets backing from early Skype investor Russia-based Quintura Search Engine has received substantial backing from Mangrove Capital Partners of Luxembourg, an early-stage investor in Skype, ABRT Venture Fund and the partners of OpenView Venture Partners of Boston. This is an interesting deal for Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. Russia-based Quintura Search Engine has received substantial backing from Mangrove Capital Partners of Luxembourg, an early-stage investor in Skype, ABRT Venture Fund and the partners of OpenView Venture Partners of Boston. This is an interesting deal for several reasons. The first is the Skype connection. Another one is that with cloudsearchsocialtag
Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus You may feel relatively satisfied with the current search offerings of Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN. Search today is undoubtedly much better than what it was in the second half of the 1990's. But Internet search is still in its infancy and there's much room for improvement. Moreover, the super high valuation of Google on NASDAQ p with arnaudfischersearchsocialby 6 users
The Social Bookmarking Faceoff Innteresting review of social bookmarking sies Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up? In this post we attempt to answer that question. We also take a look at how social bookmarking has evolved since del.ici with arnaudenginefischersearchsocialby 9 users