- ActiveState Perl
ActiveState's ActivePerl is the industry-standard Perl distribution available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX.
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in Office > IT Software > Design > Windows platform with activeperl design perl software windows by 3 users
- Apache Ant
in Office > IT Software > Design > Apache with ant apache design software by 8 users
- Apache Software Foundation
in Office > IT Software > Design > Apache with apache design foundation software by 25 users
- Apple Developer Connection
in Apple Mac > Design with apple connection design developer mac software by 12 users
- AppleScript Language Guide
Introduction to AppleScript Language Guide
in Apple Mac > Design with apple applescript design software by 2 users
- ArgoUML
Open source software engineering
architecture argo argouml case engineering java language mda methods model-driven modeling modelling software uml unified xml
in Office > IT Software > Design > Modelling Tools with argouml design modelling software tools by 9 users
- Basics of the Unix Philosophy
Выдержка из книга классика, "The Art of Unix Programming"
in Office > IT Software > Design with design philosophy software unix by 2 users
- Berkley DB (Sleepycat)
Oracle Berkeley DB is a family of open source developer databases that allows developers to embed in their applications a fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade reliability and availability. As a result, customers and end-users will experience an application that simply works, never loses data, can scale under extreme load, but requires no ongoing data
berkeley database embedded oracle
in Office > IT Software > Design > Misc with berkley design misc sleepycat software
- BioinformaticsOnline.org
in Office > IT Software > Design > Misc with design misc software
- ConceptDraw Cross-Platform Product Line
draw mind map, floor plan, flowchart, business diagram, gantt chart and many more.
in Apple Mac > Design with apple design software by 7 users
in Office > IT Software > Design > Perl with cpan design perl software
- Database Solutions: FileMaker
Manage people, projects, assets and more--the easy way
Learn about quality database software, PC, and Macintosh software from FileMaker.
in Apple Mac > Design with apple assets design mac manage people projects software by 35 users
- Developing with Core Data
in Apple Mac > Design with apple design software
- Docs on MySQL
in Office > IT Software > Design > MySQL with design docs mysql software
- Eclipse.org
development eclipse environment free ide java open platform plug-ins plugins project refactoring source swt tools
in Office > IT Software > Design > Misc with design misc software by 31 users
- EnterpriseDB Postgres
in Office > IT Software > Design > PostgreSQL with design enterprisedb postgresql software
- ERW: Entities and relationships on the web
in Office > IT Software > Design > Modelling Tools with design entities erw modelling relationships software tools
- ESRI Data for Your GIS
in Office > IT Software > Design > GRASS with data design esri gis grass software
- eXtreme Programming
in Office > IT Software > Design > Misc with design extreme misc programming software
- First Stable Release - GRASS 5
in Office > IT Software > Design > GRASS with design grass release software stable
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