- About Potassium Supplements by Scooter's CRF Supplies Guide
Gives a basic explanation of potassium gluconate, potassium citrate, and potassium chloride, what each are for, details on the popular brands (mEq, elemental potassium, etc.), where you can buy them online, and basic pricing. Also explains how to convert elemental potassium <-> mEq so you can know how much you need of another brand of potassium gluconate to safely switch.
in Misc. with cats chronic_renal_failure pets potassium potassium_chloride potassium_citrate potassium_gluconate shopping stores supplements veterinary_care
- Holisticat: herbs, supplements, and fluids for Chronic Renal Failure
Excellent page on which fluids & supplements to use in treating feline CRF, plus the herbs that are useful for minimizing its symptoms without causing harm.
in Misc. with cats chronic_renal_failure fluids info metabolic_acidosis potassium potassium_citrate potassium_gluconate supplements
- Natural medicines for feline liver disease & hepatic lipidosis
in Misc. with cats liver_disease simpy_bookmarks supplements veterinary_care
- Sandra's Hepatic Lipidosis Miracle Cats
in Misc. with cats dehydration fluids simpy_bookmarks sub-q supplements veterinary_care
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