- [EN] Electronic Records Management | AIIM Industry Watch | September 2009
Direct link: http://www.aiim.org/PDFDocuments/37388.pdf | AIIM | In most organizations, electronic records are still taken less seriously than paper records. Responsibility for applying good records management practice to electronic records would seem to reside in the IT Department rather than in the Records Department, and even where good policies exist, they are often not monitored or enforced. In this report we have compared volumes, policies and effectiveness between the management of electronic records and that of traditional paper. Legal-discovery and litigation-hold have created a demand for specific e-discovery tools, so we looked at their take up. We have also looked at the integration issues across multiple records repositories and measured lon...
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim article erm markt records-management rm standards study trends by 2 users
- [EN] Enterprise Content Management | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 2004
Some ECM history ... early whitepaper by PROJECT CONSULT about ECM Enterprise Content Management | 2004 | This whitepaper was the original source for the Wikipedia article on ECM
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- [EN] Fabasoft "Folio" Records Management is MoReq2 certified
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung certificate dlm dlm-forum document-management ecm erm fabasoft markt moreq moreq2 records-management rm standards trends workflow by 2 users
- [EN] Gartner's magic hydrant | StorageMojo | Robin Harris | 3.11.2009
Gartner's magic hydrant | It gushes money. Gartner’s business model is genius. They gather information from vendors and users – for large fees from both – and then sell that information back to them for even more money. Bliss. They own a toll booth on the user/vendor information highway. And collect $1.3 billion a year from the traffic – over $300,000 per employee. Drool. But the best is the Magic Quadrant, Gartner’s money-spinning qualitative graphic. | Auch im Bereich ECM Enterprise Content Management ist der Gartner Quadrant sehr umstritten, allerdings auch kaum wegzudenken ...
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- [EN] My favorite 2010 ECM and technology predictions | AIIM | John Mancini | 4.1.2010
Digital Landfill | My favorite 2010 ECM and technology predictions | John Mancini summarizes John Newtons, CMS Watch and other "10 predictions" in his blog
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm enterprise_content_management mancini markt trends by 2 users
- [EN] PLANETS Market Survey
Needs and Challenges for Digital Preservation | May 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung markt planets preservation standards trends by 2 users
- [EN] Seven leading German ECM vendors form marketing alliance "ECM Allianz Deutschland GmbH"
XING group "Information & Document Management" | 13.08.2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] alliance d-velop dms dvelop easy ecm ecm-allianz-deutschland-gmbh ecms elo elo-digital-office enterprise-content-management markt optimal-systems os saperion ser trends windream xing by 2 users
- [EN] Shares in XING skyrocket on buyout rumours
techcrunch | 1.9.2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] linkedin markt rumour social_software socialsoftware xing by 2 users
- [EN] Visualizing the Social Software and Collaboration Marketplace | CMS Watch | Tony Byrne | 05.08.2009
Trends: Visualizing the Social Software and Collaboration Marketplace | CMS Watch | Tony Byrne | 05.08.2009 | Grafiken mit Beispielen von Dion Hinchcliffe, Gartner und CMS Watch
in Public bookmarks with [en] cms collaboration ecm internet markt social_software socialsoftware trends wcm web web2.0 by 2 users
- 2007 Cohasset ARMA AIIM Electronic Records Management Survey Results Released : Electronic Discovery Law
Cohasset hat über 1700 Organisationen zum Thema Records Management befragt und ergänzt mit der Studie die vorangegangenen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 2001 und 2005.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim arma compliance erm markt moreq records_management rm standards trends by 2 users
- 5 More Reasons That A Content Management Company Will Go Out Of Business
Fünfeinhalb weitere Gründe warum CMS Anbieter vom Markt verschwinden werden (April 2008) auf "The Enterprise Content Management Blog"
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- Adobe starts opening the kimono on its Apollo platform
David Berlind berichtet auf ZDNet.com: Neuentwicklung "Apollo" von Adobe
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- AIIM edocmagazine
Print publication of AIIM on ECM Enterprise Content Management
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- andreasvongunten.com - blog
Blog mit einer Kategorie zu ECM und Verwandtem - ab und zu was nettes drin
in Public bookmarks with [de] blog ecm itc-market markt trends by 2 users
- Anglizismen und Akronyme - Diskussionsbeiträge zum Artikel von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer
Artikel & Diskussion zum Thema Anglizismen und Akronyme auf ContentManager.de
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] article artikel_kff forum itc-market kampffmeyer markt translation by 2 users
- Anwender beurteilen ihre IT-Anbieter und Lösungen - ECM-Verzeichnis auf Benchpark.de
157 ECM-Softwareanbieter und ihre Produkte beurteilt von Anwendern. Die Rubrik ECM Enterprise Content Management wird von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT, und Renate Karl, dsk Beratung, betreut.
in Public bookmarks with [de] benchpark beratung cms comparison consulting content_management ecm ecms itc-market kampffmeyer markt project_consult by 2 users
- Archivologo
GESTIÓN DOCUMENTAL; spanisches Blog zu ECM, Archivierung etc. mit Links zu Lösungen in Spanien
in Public bookmarks with [es] archivierung archiving blog dms document_management dokumentenmanagement ecm itc-market markt records_management by 2 users
- Basic Thinking Blog
Blog von Robert Basic
about Business, IT, Internet and Blogs
blog blogging business commerce corporate development ecommerce network social trends web web-startups web2.0 weblog wordpress
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- Benchpark - Bewerten. Vergleichen. Entscheiden.
Benchpark-Portal zur Bewertung von ERP-, CRM-, WCM- und anderen Anbietern sowie Werbeagenturen etc. Die Rubrik ECM wird von PROJECT CONSULT betreut
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- Benchpark Marktmonitor ECM Q3 2007
Benchpark Marktmonitor mit aktuellen Trends und Ergebnissen der ECM-Anbieter im 3. Quartal 2007
in Public bookmarks with [de] artikel_kff benchpark bpm collaboration comparison content_management dms document_management ecm ecms emc enterprise_content_management ibm markt microsoft project_consult trends ulrich_kampffmeyer workflow by 2 users
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